Created attachment 890951 [details] dev-python:tldextract-5.1.2:20240411-112855.log =dev-python/tldextract-5.1.2 fails its test suite for me, specifically the test tests/ Because 5.1.1 passed its tests when it was built on this machine back at the beginning of December, but is now failing them on another machine with a slightly older Portage-tree snapshot before the stabilization of 5.1.2, it looks to me like this is a change in some dependency breaking the test (which monkey-patches the 'os' module to substitute in an 'evil_unlink' function in place of the original 'os.unlink', but doesn't support the dir_fd parameter). The test output in the attached build log is fairly long (though unfortunately, if it gives the stack trace of what's trying to call the monkeypatched 'os.unlink' using the dir_fd parameter, I can't find it in the log), but I think the "shortlog" should be enough for here: =========================================================================== short test summary info ============================================================================ ERROR tests/ - TypeError: test_cache_cleared_by_other_process.<locals>.evil_unlink() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dir_fd' ==================================================================== 59 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 4.50s ====================================================================
Created attachment 890952 [details] emerge-info.txt