Emerging eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6 fails because of differences between sun and ibm jdks. Details to fix the problem are provided in the additional information field. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. unmask eclipse-sdk against ~x86 2. emerge eclipse-sdk 3. Actual Results: build failed Expected Results: build correctly ;) Here is the difference between my modified ebuild file and the one provided by portage: diff /usr/portage/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild /usr/local/portage/dev-util/eclipse-sdk/eclipse-sdk-3.1_pre6.ebuild 279c279 < [ ${ARCH} == 'x86' ] && awt_lib_path=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/i386 --- > [ ${ARCH} == 'x86' ] && awt_lib_path=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin 435c435 < ant_extra_opts="-Dbootclasspath=${bp}/core.jar:${bp}/xml.jar:${bp}/graphics.jar:${bp}/security.jar" --- > ant_extra_opts="-Dbootclasspath=${bp}/core.jar:${bp}/xml.jar:${bp}/graphics.jar:${bp}/security.jar:${bp}/server.jar" As you can see, under the ibm 1.4.2 jdk, libjawt.so is located in the jre/bin directory and I had to append the bootclasspath variable with server.jar because of the java.rmi.Remote class. Please note that my version only addresses the ibm 1.4.2 jdk. Since I'm new to ebuilds, I don't know how to select the proper paths and options depending of the installed jdk.
Your patch seems to help, but now I die from outofmemory errors. Either the IBM requires more than 768MB (probably when running javadoc), or the -Xmx768m is not getting through for the IBM JDK. -Xmx is supported by the IBM JDK java command
Didn't find a good solution to this.