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Bug 91095 - mail-client/evolution- : SSL non-working after upgrade of evolution-2.0.4
Summary: mail-client/evolution- : SSL non-working after upgrade of evolution-2.0.4
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High major
Assignee: Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
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Blocks: 91329
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Reported: 2005-05-01 18:30 UTC by Nuno Alexandre
Modified: 2005-05-20 08:09 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Nuno Alexandre 2005-05-01 18:30:31 UTC
SSL stop working - unavailable

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Andrew Esh 2005-05-02 09:53:54 UTC
I think I got this one too. I upgraded libgnutls from version 11 to version 12, and it broke Evolution's calendar module. See bug #91012 for a description fo that problem:

After following the revdep-rebuild instructions shown at the end of the emerge of gnutls, I had re-emerged evolution, ximian-connector and a few other things. Now, I'm prompted for a password to access my exchange mailbox. The one that should work is not working. I think ximian-connector's SSL is broken.
Comment 2 Andrew Esh 2005-05-02 14:24:33 UTC
I was able to connect to the exchange server using the plaintext password setting in the preferences. I still can't get ssl to connect.
Comment 3 Nuno Alexandre 2005-05-02 14:44:46 UTC
My problem is that i can't access my private email accounts via pop anymore - since it reqs. SSL.

This is a major problem for a mail client.
Comment 4 Nuno Alexandre 2005-05-02 14:45:58 UTC
and i mean - not exchange.
Comment 5 Daniel Black (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-03 01:33:00 UTC
does gnutls-1.0.25 work?

will need to revdep-rebuild on version .12
Comment 6 Nuno Alexandre 2005-05-03 12:17:05 UTC
already did revdep-rebuild and everything was fine - for the time being ive downgraded to evolution-2.2.0 , since its the only one that compiles.
Ive posted another bug about this issue.
Comment 7 kfm 2005-05-04 01:11:50 UTC
I'm using evolution-2.2.2 and the SSL support is working fine (gmail requires it for its POP3/SMTP services). I too have upgraded libgnutls and have noticed the unresolved library references so I'm going to rebuild it shortly. In the meantime however, everything seems fine; I don't yet make any use of the specialised extensions. There's an ebuild for version 2.2.2 at bug 89211 if anyone here wants to give it a shot.
Comment 8 Nuno Alexandre 2005-05-20 08:09:15 UTC
im closing the bug - ive since upgraded to and ssl is working.