Created attachment 865146 [details] emerge --info I use a ramdisk for compiling packages, with a default size of 8GiB, which I increase whenever I compile larger packages. I was building glibc today: [ebuild R ] sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r3:2.2::gentoo USE="multiarch (multilib) ssp stack-realign (static-libs) -audit -caps (-cet) -compile-locales (-crypt) (-custom-cflags) -doc -gd -hash-sysv-compat -headers-only -multilib-bootstrap -nscd -perl -profile (-selinux) -suid -systemd -systemtap -test (-vanilla)" 0 KiB and the build failed because it ran out of space in /var/tmp/portage. I increased my ramdisk to 12GiB and watched it compile, and at one point I saw it using 10.6GiB. Other large packages check to see if there's enough space before building. Perhaps glibc should, too. (Or, if it already does, perhaps the minimum space requirement needs to be reevaluated.)
This is not normal
Can you give us a build.log?