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Bug 907685 - app-backup/amanda: issues with net-misc/curl and S3
Summary: app-backup/amanda: issues with net-misc/curl and S3
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Robin Johnson
Keywords: PullRequest
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Reported: 2023-06-02 07:34 UTC by Stefan G. Weichinger
Modified: 2024-12-24 16:04 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Stefan G. Weichinger 2023-06-02 07:34:28 UTC
Trying to enable amanda-3.5.1-r4 to talk to Google Cloud Storage for quite a while now, discussing it with amanda dev in

Current idea is that there is an issue with curl, as mentioned for example here:

There are other bug reports around curl and S3 aside from gentoo and amanda.

What I need:

an ebuild that builds amanda-3.5.1 against an older/working libcurl.

I tried to come up with something in my local repos etc, so far no success.

Amanda-3.6 should NOT have this issue, but there is no ebuild for it yet, as it is still in development upstream.
Comment 1 Matt Jolly gentoo-dev 2023-06-03 02:20:01 UTC
I'm afraid that I can't offer much assistance from the cURL perspective - nothing broken seems to be Gentoo specific after a quick browse over the linked issues.

I will _not_ consider bringing older versions of cURL into ::gentoo; the older versions were dropped for security reasons.

We're going to need to work out with the 'amanda' developers/community what the incompatibility with cURL is (if that's even the issue here) and raise it upstream.

Is there any additional logging / debug trace that can be enabled? Is there a way for you to put cURL in verbose mode?

I would suggest that it's possible to go over Gentoo's git history and get both the ebuilds and patches from `net-misc/curl` into a  local repository for testing (or to bisect changes in a local copy of curl/curl).

It sucks, and it's mandraulic, but until you can prove that it ever worked and point to a working version of cURL (or some sane error output) saying that 'we think it's curl' we don't have much to debug.

Have you considered raising an issue directly with curl given the reports of breakage on Debian 11? What were your results on Debian?
Comment 2 Stefan G. Weichinger 2023-06-05 08:20:41 UTC
(In reply to Matt Jolly from comment #1)
> I'm afraid that I can't offer much assistance from the cURL perspective -
> nothing broken seems to be Gentoo specific after a quick browse over the
> linked issues.
> I will _not_ consider bringing older versions of cURL into ::gentoo; the
> older versions were dropped for security reasons.

Perfectly OK, I'd rather prefer to have a amanda-3.6 beta package maybe: 3.6 seems not to have these issues.

> We're going to need to work out with the 'amanda' developers/community what
> the incompatibility with cURL is (if that's even the issue here) and raise
> it upstream.
> Is there any additional logging / debug trace that can be enabled? Is there
> a way for you to put cURL in verbose mode?
> I would suggest that it's possible to go over Gentoo's git history and get
> both the ebuilds and patches from `net-misc/curl` into a  local repository
> for testing (or to bisect changes in a local copy of curl/curl).

I already started to do that and installed older curl-releases, compiled amanda against it, same results. Maybe I didn't do it right, maybe I had multiple libraries installed at the same time: I couldn't yet make it work.

> It sucks, and it's mandraulic, but until you can prove that it ever worked
> and point to a working version of cURL (or some sane error output) saying
> that 'we think it's curl' we don't have much to debug.

Sure. I only have the infos from

that some ubuntu and debian users succeeded with older curl-versions.

> Have you considered raising an issue directly with curl given the reports of
> breakage on Debian 11? What were your results on Debian?

I contacted the maintainer of amanda for Debian per private mail. So far no response.

Maybe it's not worth the effort right now:

Personally I would be happy with a 3_6 ebuild (beta), I couldn't yet make it work here.

thanks, Stefan
Comment 3 Stefan G. Weichinger 2023-06-05 14:21:30 UTC
Trying to build the branch "3_6":