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Bug 906057 - stable net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1
Summary: stable net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Stabilization (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Jaco Kroon
Depends on:
Blocks: CVE-2022-23537, CVE-2022-23547
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2023-05-10 08:35 UTC by Jaco Kroon
Modified: 2023-05-16 06:12 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: No
nattka: sanity-check+


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jaco Kroon 2023-05-10 08:35:20 UTC

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2023-05-10 09:40:41 UTC
amd64 done
Comment 2 Jaco Kroon 2023-05-15 06:13:21 UTC
Comment 3 Joonas Niilola gentoo-dev 2023-05-16 06:11:05 UTC
Soemthing happened and x86 won't compile with +webrtc again.

[ERROR] >>> Not all runs were successful.
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: '-alsa amr -epoll ffmpeg -g711 g722 -g7221 -g729 -gsm ilbc l16 -libyuv openh264 opus portaudio -resample -sdl silk -speex ssl static-libs v4l2 vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: '-alsa amr epoll -ffmpeg g711 -g722 -g7221 g729 gsm -ilbc l16 -libyuv openh264 -opus -portaudio -resample sdl silk -speex ssl static-libs -v4l2 vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: 'alsa -amr -epoll ffmpeg -g711 g722 -g7221 -g729 gsm -ilbc l16 -libyuv -openh264 opus -portaudio -resample sdl silk speex -ssl -static-libs -v4l2 -vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: 'alsa amr epoll -ffmpeg g711 -g722 -g7221 g729 -gsm -ilbc -l16 -libyuv openh264 -opus -portaudio -resample sdl -silk -speex ssl -static-libs -v4l2 -vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: '-alsa amr -epoll ffmpeg g711 g722 g7221 -g729 gsm ilbc l16 libyuv openh264 opus portaudio resample -sdl silk -speex ssl -static-libs -v4l2 vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: 'alsa -amr -epoll ffmpeg g711 g722 g7221 -g729 -gsm ilbc l16 libyuv openh264 opus portaudio -resample -sdl silk speex ssl -static-libs v4l2 vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: '-alsa amr epoll -ffmpeg g711 g722 -g7221 -g729 -gsm ilbc -l16 libyuv -openh264 -opus portaudio -resample -sdl silk speex ssl -static-libs -v4l2 vpx webrtc'
atom: =net-libs/pjproject-2.13-r1, USE flags: '-alsa amr -epoll -ffmpeg -g711 g722 -g7221 g729 gsm -ilbc l16 -libyuv openh264 -opus -portaudio -resample sdl -silk -speex ssl static-libs -v4l2 vpx webrtc'

Should be fixed for this version though, see bug 878445.
Comment 4 Joonas Niilola gentoo-dev 2023-05-16 06:11:50 UTC
x86 done

all arches done
Comment 5 Joonas Niilola gentoo-dev 2023-05-16 06:12:28 UTC
I'm tempted to package.use.mask webrtc on x86 until it's fixed again. Let me know if that's okay.