It's 2023 and most end user machines do not have a CD or DVD. The handbook has no instructions on how to use a USB to do an install. Just says that it may be different. Hints on the website are to use a livegui, but no instructions. Have to websearch to get to this page: Oh, but it's not the right one. More searching and this might be it? After getting through unnecessary preamble text, the isohybrid chokes on the minimal install image, so apparently you need a livegui image to install from a usb. Come on y'all! Seriously??? What's with this ridiculousness?? This is a terrible user experience to install gentoo! Fix it please!!
All our isos are already hybrid and can be directly dd'd or run through a tool like unetbootin or rufus. I agree that the handbook should state this directly. But seriously, just dd it. We'll work on updating docs.
Handbook mentions writing with dd in this section: Changes added by zen_desu, here: