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Bug 893682 - app-text/foliate: Migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to :4.1 if possible
Summary: app-text/foliate: Migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to :4.1 if possible
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Andrey Grozin
Depends on:
Blocks: 893668
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2023-02-09 02:54 UTC by Matt Turner
Modified: 2023-05-14 11:00 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

allow WebKit2 4.1 (webkit-gtk.patch,968 bytes, patch)
2023-02-26 10:21 UTC, poncho
Details | Diff

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Description Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2023-02-09 02:54:49 UTC
We would like to reduce the number of net-libs/webkit-gtk slots.

Please check if it is possible to migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to net-libs/webkit-gtk:4.1.

This should be possible (with minor build-system patching, see for example) if net-libs/libsoup:2.4 is not pulled in by the package or any of its dependencies.
Comment 1 Andrey Grozin gentoo-dev 2023-02-09 08:44:02 UTC
What's the difference between the slots 4, 4.1 and 5? I see the same versions 2.38.{2,3,4} in all of them.
In my system I have 2 packages depending on webkit-gtk: wxGTK[webkit] and foliate. Both depend on webkit-gtk:4. Is it the most widely used slot?
Comment 2 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2023-02-09 15:13:45 UTC
(In reply to Andrey Grozin from comment #1)
> What's the difference between the slots 4, 4.1 and 5? I see the same
> versions 2.38.{2,3,4} in all of them.

That's answered in bug 893668#c0.

> In my system I have 2 packages depending on webkit-gtk: wxGTK[webkit] and
> foliate. Both depend on webkit-gtk:4. Is it the most widely used slot?

I expect many users do not have webkit-gtk:4 -- I do not, for example, on a stable GNOME system. The difference between 4 and 4.1 is what version of libsoup they use, and the older libsoup (2.4) is deprecated.

FWIW, bug 893718 is about moving wxGTK to webkit-gtk:4.1, but it is apparently not possible yet.
Comment 3 poncho 2023-02-26 10:11:23 UTC
Upstream issue is at
Comment 4 poncho 2023-02-26 10:21:43 UTC
Created attachment 854808 [details, diff]
allow WebKit2 4.1
Comment 5 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2023-05-03 08:07:47 UTC
I would go ahead on patching foliate-2 as upstream is also happy with it (while they are now focusing on the future foliate-3)
Comment 6 Andrey Grozin gentoo-dev 2023-05-04 16:10:00 UTC
In any case, webkit-gtk:4 cannot be deprecated before the problem of wxGTK is resolved (bug #893718). I need wxGTK[webkit] because wxmaxima depends on it, and I use wxmaxima. If foliate will depend on webkit-gtk:4.1, I'll have to have both webkit-gtk:4 and webkit-gtk:4.1. I'd really hate such a situation: webkit-gtk compiles for several hours, and compiling both slots would be a nightmare.
Comment 7 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2023-05-04 16:13:31 UTC
(In reply to Andrey Grozin from comment #6)
> In any case, webkit-gtk:4 cannot be deprecated before the problem of wxGTK
> is resolved (bug #893718). I need wxGTK[webkit] because wxmaxima depends on
> it, and I use wxmaxima. If foliate will depend on webkit-gtk:4.1, I'll have
> to have both webkit-gtk:4 and webkit-gtk:4.1. I'd really hate such a
> situation: webkit-gtk compiles for several hours, and compiling both slots
> would be a nightmare.

You can make it depend on either, like games-util/lutris does:

>	|| (
>		net-libs/webkit-gtk:4[introspection]
>		net-libs/webkit-gtk:4.1[introspection]
>	)
Comment 8 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2023-05-04 16:16:06 UTC
(In reply to Matt Turner from comment #7)
> (In reply to Andrey Grozin from comment #6)
> > In any case, webkit-gtk:4 cannot be deprecated before the problem of wxGTK
> > is resolved (bug #893718). I need wxGTK[webkit] because wxmaxima depends on
> > it, and I use wxmaxima. If foliate will depend on webkit-gtk:4.1, I'll have
> > to have both webkit-gtk:4 and webkit-gtk:4.1. I'd really hate such a
> > situation: webkit-gtk compiles for several hours, and compiling both slots
> > would be a nightmare.
> You can make it depend on either, like games-util/lutris does:
> >	|| (
> >		net-libs/webkit-gtk:4[introspection]
> >		net-libs/webkit-gtk:4.1[introspection]
> >	)

(Obviously that would require a slightly different patch)
Comment 9 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2023-05-14 11:00:12 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit d0d3eaa0f05e4044f2b7075c5ef0fab419bdb5d0
Author:     Andrey Grozin <>
AuthorDate: 2023-05-14 10:59:38 +0000
Commit:     Andrey Grozin <>
CommitDate: 2023-05-14 10:59:38 +0000

    app-text/foliate: DEPEND on webkit-gtk:4.1
    disable automagick tests
    Signed-off-by: Andrey Grozin <>

 app-text/foliate/files/foliate-validate.patch | 31 ++++++++++++++
 app-text/foliate/files/foliate-webkit.patch   | 13 ++++++
 app-text/foliate/foliate-2.6.4-r3.ebuild      | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 103 insertions(+)