Trying to start luarocks, it provides the following error: $ luarocks Warning: Lua 5.1 interpreter not found at /usr Modules may not install with the correct configurations. You may want to configure the path prefix to your build of Lua 5.1 using luarocks config --local lua_dir <your-lua-prefix> <skipped> although the Lua 5.1 interpreter is indeed present and being eselect'ed as default: $ which lua /usr/bin/lua $ lua -v Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Start luarocks Actual Results: The error is thrown Expected Results: It works
Output of luarocks config: accept_unknown_fields = false arch = "linux-x86_64" cache = { luajit_version = "", luajit_version_checked = true } cache_fail_timeout = 86400 cache_timeout = 60 check_certificates = false cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles" config_files = { nearest = "/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua", system = { file = "/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua", found = true }, user = { file = "/home/andrew/.luarocks/config-5.1.lua", found = false } } connection_timeout = 30 deploy_bin_dir = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/bin" deploy_lib_dir = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/lib/lua/5.1" deploy_lua_dir = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/share/lua/5.1" deps_mode = "one" disabled_servers = {} export_path_separator = ":" external_deps_dirs = { "/usr/local", "/usr", "/" } external_deps_patterns = { bin = { "?" }, include = { "?.h" }, lib = { "lib?.a", "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" } } external_deps_subdirs = { bin = "bin", include = "include", lib = { "lib", "lib64" } } external_lib_extension = "so" fs_use_modules = true gcc_rpath = true home = "/home/andrew" home_tree = "/home/andrew/.luarocks" homeconfdir = "/home/andrew/.luarocks" hooks_enabled = true lib_extension = "so" lib_modules_path = "/lib/lua/5.1" link_lua_explicitly = false local_by_default = false local_cache = "/var/tmp/cache/andrew//luarocks" lua_extension = "lua" lua_interpreter = "lua5.1" lua_modules_path = "/share/lua/5.1" lua_version = "5.1" no_manifest = false obj_extension = "o" processor = "x86_64" program_version = "3.9.1" rocks_dir = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1" rocks_servers = { { "", "", "" } } rocks_subdir = "/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1" rocks_trees = { { name = "user", root = "/home/andrew/.luarocks" }, { name = "system", root = "/usr/share/lua/5.1" } } runtime_external_deps_patterns = { bin = { "?" }, include = { "?.h" }, lib = { "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" } } runtime_external_deps_subdirs = { bin = "bin", include = "include", lib = { "lib", "lib64" } } static_lib_extension = "a" sysconfdir = "/etc/luarocks" target_cpu = "x86_64" upload = { api_version = "1", server = "", tool_version = "1.0.0" } user_agent = "LuaRocks/3.9.1 linux-x86_64" variables = { AR = "ar", BUNZIP2 = "bunzip2", CC = "gcc", CFLAGS = "-O2 -fPIC", CHMOD = "chmod", CMAKE = "cmake", CP = "cp", CURL = "curl", CURLNOCERTFLAG = "-k", CVS = "cvs", FIND = "find", GIT = "git", GPG = "gpg", GUNZIP = "gunzip", HG = "hg", ICACLS = "icacls", LD = "gcc", LIBFLAG = "-shared", LIB_EXTENSION = "so", LS = "ls", LUA = "/usr/bin/lua5.1", LUA_BINDIR = "/usr/bin", LUA_DIR = "/usr", LUA_INCDIR = "/usr/include/lua5.1", LUA_LIBDIR = "/usr/lib64/lua/5.1", MAKE = "make", MD5 = "md5", MD5SUM = "md5sum", MKDIR = "mkdir", MKTEMP = "mktemp", OBJ_EXTENSION = "o", OPENSSL = "openssl", PWD = "pwd", RANLIB = "ranlib", RM = "rm", RMDIR = "rmdir", ROCKS_TREE = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1", RSYNC = "rsync", RSYNCFLAGS = "--exclude=.git -Oavz", SCP = "scp", SCRIPTS_DIR = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/bin", SEVENZ = "7z", SSCM = "sscm", SVN = "svn", TAR = "tar", TEST = "test", TOUCH = "touch", UNZIP = "unzip -n", WGET = "wget", WGETNOCERTFLAG = "--no-check-certificate", ZIP = "zip" } web_browser = "xdg-open" wrapper_suffix = ""
Hi! Could I see please build.log of your emerge? Thanks!
Created attachment 853512 [details] build.log for lua:5.1
Created attachment 853514 [details] build.log for luarocks
Hello! Sure, I've attached build logs for both Lua itself and luarocks. Weirdly enough, after re-emerging those the error in OP is gone, but I remember this error come and go, perhaps this is related to other Lua packages being updated and re-emerged.
Well, then I tend to close here. I haven't been able to reproduce and as you state, it works now for you.