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Bug 88825 - fritzcapi ebuild, produced fcusb.ko doesn't work with the old Fritzcard USB
Summary: fritzcapi ebuild, produced fcusb.ko doesn't work with the old Fritzcard USB
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High major
Assignee: Gentoo Dialup Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-04-12 03:11 UTC by Sven Muehlberg
Modified: 2005-04-19 07:11 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

output from emerge info (emerge_info.txt,2.45 KB, text/plain)
2005-04-13 14:02 UTC, Sven Muehlberg
the error in syslog (fcusb_nok1.txt,346 bytes, text/plain)
2005-04-13 14:22 UTC, Sven Muehlberg
ok in syslog (fcusb_ok.txt,553 bytes, text/plain)
2005-04-13 14:24 UTC, Sven Muehlberg
syslog protocol for Fritz!Card USB v2.0 (fcusb2.txt,1.66 KB, text/plain)
2005-04-13 15:18 UTC, Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED)

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Description Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-12 03:11:31 UTC
When I emerge net-dialup/fritzcapi (with fritcapi_cards=fcusb and also without) the fcusb.ko driver doesn't recognise my Fritzcard USB (Id: 057c:0c00).

If plug in the the Fritzcard the module tells me:
"Unknown device!"

If I compile the kernel module by my self and copy the fcusb.ko to /lib/modules/ (everything else the stays the same), then the driver works.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.FRITZCAPI_CARDS="fcusb" emerge net-dialup/fritzcapi
2.modprobe fcusb
3.plug in the adapter

Actual Results:  
The kernel module tells me "Unknown device!".

Expected Results:  
The module should recognise the adapter and after capiinit i can use it.
Comment 1 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-12 03:47:00 UTC
How do you compile it manually? Is there a difference in the way you build it and we build it in the ebuild?

Did you set up /etc/capi.conf correctly?

Can you please post your emerge info?
Comment 2 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-12 04:24:44 UTC
> How do you compile it manually?
1. untar the archiv fcusb-suse9.1-3.11-04.tar.gz
2. cd fritz
3. make
4. cp src/fcusb.ko /lib/modules/mykernel

> Is there a difference in the way you build it and we build it in the ebuild?
can't say now, I will look deeper into it later (when I have access to the maschine again)

> Did you set up /etc/capi.conf correctly?
Yes, I added a line 
"fcusb - - - - - -"
and it runs with the self compiled module.

> Can you please post your emerge info?
will do so later (hope I have access in about 6 hours)
Comment 3 Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-12 20:30:10 UTC
057c:0c00 is in the capi.usermap and it's in the capi-hotplug-script. /etc/capi.conf is not needed (should be only used if CAPI_HOTPLUG_USB=0 or =no depending on your capi4k-utils version).

I have the fcusb2 (v2.0) card. It just works. Your card should also work out-of-the-box. So either there's something different on your system compiling it manually and via fritzcapi-ebuild or we have a completely different problem.

Please do this:

emerge latest capi4k-utils (best with ~x86 so you really get the latest in portage). Unload all capi/fcusb related stuff. Then switching to system-logger output (console 12 or just tail -f /var/log/messages). Then plugin your card and watching the messages.

please post all releated messages.
Comment 4 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-13 14:02:04 UTC
Created attachment 56200 [details]
output from emerge info

This is the output from "emerge info" as requested.
Comment 5 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-13 14:22:50 UTC
Created attachment 56204 [details]
the error in syslog
Comment 6 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-13 14:24:52 UTC
Created attachment 56205 [details]
ok in syslog

this message is captured when loading the hand made module
Comment 7 Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-13 15:17:32 UTC
in general your setup looks sane. But something must be different.

btw: your syslog output is complete? I attach a protocol of my fcusb2 card, just for reference.

We now have to check, what's different between the ebuild and your manual compile. All I can say right now is, that the ebuild in general works for at least the Fritz!Card v2.x. But the other drivers are compiled equally.

Please try to re-compile your driver manually with CFLAGS set (so it should produce the same output) and then check the sizes between the ebuild-made driver and your self-made driver.
Comment 8 Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-13 15:18:34 UTC
Created attachment 56209 [details]
syslog protocol for Fritz!Card USB v2.0

just or reference.
Comment 9 Stefan Briesenick (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-13 15:30:18 UTC
btw: modinfo fcusb

filename:       /lib/modules/2.6.11-gentoo-r6/extra/fcusb.ko
license:        Proprietary
description:    CAPI4Linux: Driver for AVM FRITZ!Card USB
vermagic:       2.6.11-gentoo-r6 preempt K7 gcc-3.4
depends:        kernelcapi,usbcore
alias:          usb:v057Cp0C00dl*dh*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*

-rw-r--r--  1 root root 602062 14. Apr 00:26 /lib/modules/2.6.11-gentoo-r6/extra/fcusb.ko
Comment 10 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-14 03:27:02 UTC
my syslog output is smaller because I don't use hotplug and capidrv (adapter to i4l). capi20 and capifs messages are the same here, but I didn't include them.
The Fritz USB 2.0 works here to, even with the problematic kernel-module.

At the moment I have the problem, that I can't reproduce the error any more. I tried again to emerge fritzcapi an now the new compiled module (even with emerge) works (I tried before 4-5 times and it doesn't).

I will clean up my computer from isdn relatet files this evening and try then to emerge this stuff again. If the error didn't show up again, i will close this bug. Hope that is ok.

Comment 11 Sven Muehlberg 2005-04-19 07:11:25 UTC
can't reproduce the error anymore.

bug closed.
