Portage only offers MongoDB 5.0.5, while 6.0.3 and 5.0.14 have been released. 5.0.5 is not even +stable. Please update to the new version. Is anybody maintaining this package? Thank you in advance Reproducible: Always
Any further news on this? Mongo is now at v7 upstream
7.0.8 is now current.
I could not have imagined this. Very sad whats happening with Gentoo :(
Created attachment 892614 [details] ebuilds for mongodb-7.0.8 and 7.0.9 This archive contains ebuilds for mongodb 7.0.8 and 7.0.9 and the associated patches taken from archlinux.
However, it does not compile with Python 3.12 because of the imp module does not exists anymore. It seems it is only used in buildscripts/moduleconfig.py. I don't know how to replace it, and I don't know if it uses other modules removed in Python 3.12.
Created attachment 897534 [details] ebuilds for mongodb-7.0.12 with python 3.12 and boost-1.85 support
Created attachment 897535 [details, diff] mongodb-4.4.29-no-enterprise.patch This patch removes used of the imp module which then allow to compile with python 3.12
Created attachment 897536 [details, diff] patch for boost 1.85 Adapted from https://bugs.gentoo.org/932251
Created attachment 897537 [details, diff] mongodb-7.0.1-sconstruct Taken from archlinux
Created attachment 897538 [details, diff] extrapatch-sconstruct.patch Taken from archlinux