Could you please consider replacing flask-migrate with a package that has a working test suite that won't require us to maintain patches forever?
As the documentation ( states, the recommended installation method is using "pip install automx2" in a virtual Python environment, which seems to be what Flask-migrate to prefer as well? I don't plan to replace a core dependency of automx2 only for Gentoo ebuilds' sake in the forseeable future. If there is a particular reason not to use Flask-migrate *beyond* the scope of Gentoo's preferred way of handling things, I'd be interested to hear about it, of course.
Anything which _requires_ being run in a venv is working by virtue of a hack.
So why did you add the ebuild in the first place? Sounds like you've just created a lot of extra work for others for something you don't intend to support.
Your beef is with Miguel Grinberg, so don't try to involve me in this. I support my ebuilds when it is necessary, and since there is no automx2 release in development, let alone release-ready, I won't spend any time switching out an important component just because Gentoo (i.e. you) does not like it.