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Bug 8746 - net-mail/Courier ebuild is flawed
Summary: net-mail/Courier ebuild is flawed
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Nick Hadaway
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-10-04 08:26 UTC by Tim Hosking
Modified: 2003-09-27 09:39 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---

Standard Courier init.d script (courier,5.96 KB, text/plain)
2003-02-23 14:32 UTC, Tim Hosking

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Tim Hosking 2002-10-04 08:26:20 UTC
I am reporting a number of problems with the ebuild for the Courier mail server. Together, 
they make it a very ugly and unreliable exercise to move an existing Courier installation 
from another distro to a Gentoo system, no matter how small or basic the installation. 
From this point on I will refer to the correct installation instructions at http://www.courier- as the 'standard install.

1) There are way too many init.d scripts, and these do not honour the flags set in the /etc/
courier config files. The standard install provides a single init.d script which checks 
certain flags to determine which modules to start. The package was designed to be 
configured in a certain way. Please don't break it by trying to be too clever.

2) The standard install will place the entire Courier package into a well organised single 
directory, rooted at /usr/lib/courier. This tree is self-contained and can be easily copied 
from machine to machine with very little maintenance. By browsing this tree it is easy to 
discover the wide range of utilities related to Courier. Conversely, in an effort to adhere to 
standards, the Portage install will scatter the Courier files in various places on the hard 
disk, mixing Courier's binaries with those of other packages. Please keep stuff together, 
and if you really _must_ put things in the 'standard' paths, just install sym links.

3) The standard install docs highlight the need to unpack the tarball as a non-root user. 
Although there is a configuration flag provided to override this, I have seen a number of 
people requesting assistance in #gentoo because some things were not functioning. I 
have been able to help these people by diagnosing that the file permissions on certain 
items were incorrect - a side-effect of unpacking the tarball as root. Portage really needs 
the ability to unpack/make packages as a non-root user.

By deviating from the recommended installation, the ebuild installation makes it harder 
for users to obtain support from the package author. He quite rightly gives more attention 
to those people who have followed his instructions carefully, and will often tell people to 
go back and install as-per his instructions before he can provide assistance.

The strict adherance to whatever standards Gentoo follows, although admirable in theory 
is a royal PITA when these standards are not widely enforced by other distros. I moved 
my mail server from RedHat to mabdarke in an hour, It will take at least a week to move it 
to Gentoo, and even then I would have little confidence in it working as before.

As an aside. Apple made the mistake of trying to conform when they changed httpd.conf 
to apache.conf. The result was many hundreds of complaints from long term Apache 
users. OS X now follows the de-facto standard and everyone is happy. As nobody else 
seems to follow the documented standards followed by Gentoo, I would suggest that if 
you must change things, create a better standard.
Comment 1 Nick Hadaway 2002-10-07 09:45:13 UTC
1) init.d scripts - If our init.d scripts lack functionality or are confusing 
to setup please let me know how they are confusing or lacking needed features.  
AFAIK the scripts allow great flexibility for the enabling/disabling of 
portions of the server.  I use courier-imap at one of my employers and having 
things split out to courier-{imapd,imapd-ssl,pop3d,pop3d-ssl) is nice for the 
purpose of selectively enabling and disabling support for protocols without 
taking the whole enchilada down. 
2) All files under /usr/lib/courier - This break FHS/LSB compliance and Gentoo 
is making every attempt to follow these standards.  If we changed our 
standards for the way every package chose as it's default install we would 
have a very disorganized distribution.  Thanks to the FHS/LSB we can follow a 
nice regulated set of rules for placement of software binaries, libraries, 
docs, etc...  While this makes some of the instructions by MrSam irrelevant or 
incorrect for Gentoo, with small modifications they can still be followed.  We 
haven't eliminated key files, we have just expanded upon or moved them from 
their default non-FHS-compliant location.  If you have a specific problem with 
getting courier setup, please let me know and I will point you in the right 
direction.  If you see where documentation is specifically needed to get over 
some confusing setup procedures, please tell me where these problem areas are 
and I will attack them one at a time. :) 
3) non-root unpack/configure - Can you please reference a post/chat/convo that 
shows where a non-root compile is "needed" ??? Being as there is a configure 
option for doing a root unpack/configure (--disable-root-check) I would assume 
that it is an acceptable method for setting up courier.  If there was no 
configuration option for disabling that check and a non-root unpack/configure 
was forced then I would see the reason.  There are no other programs currently 
in gentoo (that I know of) which require a non-root unpack/configure.  If it 
is a serious security risk that the ebuild doesn't address, please let me know 
what is vulnerable. 
I look forward to your responses. 
Comment 2 Nick Hadaway 2002-10-11 15:23:48 UTC
Are you still around Tim? 
Comment 3 Jon Nelson (RETIRED) 2002-10-16 14:39:16 UTC
The configuration option:

                --enable-mimetypes=/etc/apache/conf/mime.types \

implies a dependency on apache -- I don't see one.
I also absolutely disagree that courier should depend on apache, thus, I propose
*one* of the following alterations:

1. Include a mime.types file, placed in /etc/courier perhaps, and reference that.
2. create a 'mime-types' package, which provides the canonical Gentoo mime.types
file, which then Boa, Apache, thttpd, courier, and many other packages could all
depend on without providing their (all difference) versions.

Comment 4 Jon Nelson (RETIRED) 2002-10-16 16:23:44 UTC
I had a few problems installing courier:

>>> Merging net-mail/courier-0.39.3 to /
/usr/sbin/ cd:
/var/tmp/portage/courier-0.39.3/image//usr/share/courier: No such file or directory
changing Maildir in imapd to .maildir
sed: can't read imapd: No such file or directory
changing Maildir in imapd-ssl to .maildir
sed: can't read imapd-ssl: No such file or directory
changing Maildir in pop3d to .maildir
sed: can't read pop3d: No such file or directory
changing Maildir in pop3d-ssl to .maildir
sed: can't read pop3d-ssl: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/ cd: /var/tmp/portage/courier-0.39.3/image//usr/sbin: No
such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `imapd': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `imapd-ssl': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `pop3d': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `pop3d-ssl': No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/ cd: /var/tmp/portage/courier-0.39.3/image//etc/courier: No
such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `*.dist': No such file or directory
cp: omitting directory `etc'
cp: omitting directory `usr'
chown: failed to get attributes of `ldapaliasrc': No such file or directory
changing imapd-ssl: COURIERTLS to /usr/bin/couriertls
sed: can't read imapd-ssl: No such file or directory
changing authdaemonrc: authmodulelist to authpam
sed: can't read authdaemonrc: No such file or directory
changing authdaemonrc: version to authdaemond.plain
sed: can't read authdaemonrc: No such file or directory
grep: esmtpd: No such file or directory
adding parameter ##NAME: BOFHBADMIME:0 to esmtpd
sed: can't read esmtpd: No such file or directory
grep: esmtpd-ssl: No such file or directory
adding parameter ##NAME: BOFHBADMIME:0 to esmtpd-ssl
sed: can't read esmtpd-ssl: No such file or directory
grep: esmtpd-msa: No such file or directory
adding parameter ##NAME: BOFHBADMIME:0 to esmtpd-msa
sed: can't read esmtpd-msa: No such file or directory
changing Maildir in courierd to .maildir
sed: can't read courierd: No such file or directory
--- /etc/
Comment 5 Nick Hadaway 2002-11-06 02:24:01 UTC
Please check out bug #10011

There is a new ebuild in portage.  If you would test this new version and 
comment on that bug I would appreciate it.
Comment 6 Nick Hadaway 2002-11-21 04:14:50 UTC
courier-0.40.1 is in portage.
Please let me know if you still have installation problems.
Comment 7 Nick Hadaway 2002-12-12 23:16:00 UTC
Tim, are you still around?
Comment 8 Chris Carlin 2002-12-17 15:04:58 UTC
Nick, I believe Tim might be referring to one of my own complaints with his #1.
When I start /etc/init.d/courier, the depend tells it to start all of the
modules listed, including courier-pop3d and courier-pop3d-ssl. Ideally starting
courier would only start the modules it would actually use, as the standard
install does. Perhaps an entry in conf.d would be the correct way to take care
of this? I simply commented out the last two items in the need list, though this
is probably not the best way....
Comment 9 Tim Hosking 2002-12-18 09:43:27 UTC
Yes. I'm still here, but I have been working night and day to meet some impossible 
deadlines for a January trade show and just haven't had the chance to even boot my 
Gentoo box for over a month.

My point about the init.d scripts is that Mr.Sam already provided a mechanism for 
determining which modules should be loaded, and it's a very good method. Please 
honour it. I sent you a copy of his init.d script and it should be a simple matter to adapt it 
for Gentoo. If you stick to his method then it becomes easier to copy the courier /etc 
directory from another installation and have it just work. Many users (including myself) 
simply won't migrate their mail server to Gentoo if they have to spend weeks validating 
the installation to ensure that alll the right modules are loaded in the right order. Please 
stick to the standard way of managing Courier. If you want to provide your 'split' init.d 
scripts that's fine - put them in another optional ebuild, courier-init-tools for example.

With regard to the root unpack/build, I am not sure exactly what the --disable-root-check 
option does, as it's a long time since I even built courier now. However, conventional 
wisdom has always been to do NOTHING as root that can be done as a non-privileged 
user - that is common sense. Installation is the only task that may (will) require root 
privileges. In that respect this is not a problem unique to the Courier ebuild, but with 
Portage in general. My experience with Courier however is what alerted me to the 
problem. I don't know if there is already a feature request active for non-root ebuilds. If 
not, there soon will be.

When I get this workload out of the way I'll get back to Gentoo.

Comment 10 Patrik Kullman 2003-01-21 12:25:06 UTC
Calendar in courier broken?

I can't get the calendar to work.
pcpd appear to be started, and can be started with pcpd start. (From the right

However, logging in through the webmai gives me "501 Operation not permitted"
error, when I try to connect to the calendar.
Comment 11 Chris Carlin 2003-01-21 16:00:54 UTC
As I remember I had some similar problems with the calendar.
I have no idea how I fixed this, but I have it working now.

Check permissions is all I can really tell you... Make sure you have the right
directories in your home directory for the maildir that holds the calendar info.
It ended up being different from my real mail directory for me. I gave up and
let it have its way :)
Comment 12 Nick Hadaway 2003-02-05 15:05:36 UTC
Please check out courier-0.41.0 which has recently been added to portage.
Comment 13 Tim Hosking 2003-02-23 14:32:42 UTC
Created attachment 8645 [details]
Standard Courier init.d script

This script honours the settings in /etc/courier config files.
Comment 14 Tim Hosking 2003-02-23 14:33:58 UTC
I apologise for being so quiet for such a long time - I have had to commit my self fully to a contract and have not had a chance to look at this for several months. Anyway, I just emerged Courier again, and guess what? I got ELEVEN init.d scripts! Furthermore, When I try to rc-update, I get this:
 * Caching service dependencies...
 * NEED:  can't find service courier-filterd needed by courier-mta;

This is still broken. I have attached (I hope) the single init.d script distributed with Courier for your perusal.
Comment 15 Simon Cooper 2003-03-05 16:36:13 UTC
same courier-filterd problem, can be solved by removing courier-filterd from the init script dependancies, doesnt break anything afaics
Comment 16 Tim Hosking 2003-04-02 16:26:11 UTC
Am I to assume that as there has been no response to this topic, and that as the ebuild is 
six months behind the current version, that this ebuild is low-priority? Oh well. Who 
needs an imap server on linux anyway? <sigh>
Comment 17 FRLinux 2003-04-08 21:00:14 UTC
I agree, this ebuild is awfully build, something isn't right at all. If i use the same parameters to configure the vanilla sources myself, it works whereas the ebuild fails !

Comment 18 Seemant Kulleen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-06-08 02:15:00 UTC
if someone can contribute an updated ebuild for courier, I can at least pop it into ~x86.  I know nothing of courier, so I am relying on your respective expertises.
Comment 19 Nick Hadaway 2003-06-10 10:38:32 UTC
courier-0.42.2 is on it's way into portage which will fully take in all available features of the courier package.  As far as following the courier install docs verbatim and installing to Mr. Sam's chosen location, I'm sure that won't happen.  I have been looking into other linux distributions and FreeBSD and none appear to follow them verbatim.  I am confident that we will have a fully-featured and easy-to-configure package in portage with this release.  I will post here again once the new version is in portage.
Comment 20 Nick Hadaway 2003-06-14 10:40:51 UTC
courier-0.42.2 is now in portage.
Comment 21 Tim Hosking 2003-06-29 10:04:39 UTC
Oh the frustration! I have installed the latest ebuild on my test server and am *STILL* 
trying to migrate from my Mandrake box (it went from RH to Mandrake in 10 mins - no 
hitches). Ther are still way too many init.d scripts. If you go the simple route and type /etc/
init.d/courier start, it starts up all the sub-modules. /etc/init.d/courier stop will leave all the 
additional modules running. This is broken. PLEASE adapt the single init.d script that 
honours the settings in the config files in /etc/courier. Many of the settings in the confiig 
scripts have default values decided at build time. These have not been changed in the 
config scripts, and are either misleading or wrong. As a result of the re-organisation of 
Courier's directory structures, manny settings which store paths apparently default to the 
original values in /usr/lib/courier... As a result of changes for FHS compliance, these are 
wrong. If you insist on changing defaults, you must change everything (which makes for a 
horrible migration experience).

P.S. The Courier config files still use the default ~/Maildir for mail delivery. /etc/skel 
provides ~/.maildir. Please fix one or the other
Comment 22 FRLinux 2003-06-29 15:28:35 UTC
Correct me if i am wrong, but the .maildir is just the Gentoo default, don't ask me why, i personaly use : ./Maildir

Comment 23 Brian Jackson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-27 09:39:20 UTC
bugzilla playing tricks with us