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Bug 87393 - The X server Crashes on my On board ASUS Geforce 4 motherboard with 128 mb shared RAM
Summary: The X server Crashes on my On board ASUS Geforce 4 motherboard with 128 mb sh...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: X11 External Driver Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-31 03:42 UTC by Rohit Nanda
Modified: 2007-04-01 21:10 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Rohit Nanda 2005-03-31 03:42:30 UTC
I am attaching the communication I am having with ASUS people.
Dear Sir,
You are right that most games are designed for Windows but there are certain heavy games coming for Linux also. Moreover with the use of Wine and Transgaming I can also play win games on linux. 
And moreover I am requesting you to solve the hardware problem that I have instead of discussing on which games are for which platform!!
Thanking You,

Rohit Nanda 

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 YC Zhang wrote :
>Dear Friend :
>Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
>My name is ZYC, and I would be assisting you today.
>sir ,when onboard video shares to 128MB memory  ,
>do you have any problems in windows XP ?
>you said you need play games well ,
>but most games are designed for windows system ,
>i think you can not play that game under Linux ,right ?
>Thank you for using ASUS products and services!
>If you have any problem about our products, you can visit our support site below to search the solution at the first time!
>ASUS Customer Service Center (Beijing)
>*If you have any suggestion or complaints about our tech support service, please send your valuable info to , we arrange specilists to handle relative issue, your suggestion may give us more elicitation to serve our customers much better.
>---------- Original Message ----------
> From :
>Sent : 2005-3-30 10:13:07
>To : ""
>Subject : Re: Re:Re:<TSD> Motherboard A7N8X-VM
>Dear Sir,
>Thank You for your reply,
>I do require 128 mb of memory as I am using my PC for playing games (That is why I have purchased
>such an advance model Computer Geforce4 chip). Some high end games like "Prince of Persia"
>require a minimum of 64 mb ram.
>Due to the requirements of gamers only Nvidia is comming out of cards like Gefroce FX with 256 mb
>of ram.. Also Nvidia has introduces the SLI series of motherboards on ASUS.
>Sir, if the motherboard is capable of having 128 mb shared memory then it should work on 128 mb
>shared memory, that is why I have purchased and installed 512 mb of ram on my computer.
>Thanking You,
>Rohit Nanda.
>On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 YC Zhang wrote :
>>Dear Friend :
>>Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
>>My name is ZYC, and I would be assisting you today.
>>sir ,i don't know why 128MB shared memory size caused the problem...
>>do you really need t!
>  hat much display memory?
>>for the built in video card ,the graphic performance is almost the same with 64mb or 128MB shared
>for vga.
>>Thank you for using ASUS products and services!
>>If you have any problem about our products, you can visit our support site below to search the
>solution at the first time!
>>ASUS Customer Service Center (Beijing)
>>*If you have any suggestion or complaints about our tech support service, please send your
>valuable info to , we arrange specilists to handle relative issue, your
>suggestion may give us more elicitation to serve our customers much better.
>>---------- Original Message ----------
>> From :
>>Sent : 2005-3-30 7:09:26
>>To : ""
>>Subject : Re:<TSD> Motherboard A7N8X-VM
>>Dear Mr. Zhang,
>  gt;Thank You for the prompt reply.
>>I have upgraded my bios from
>  the file sent by you but still the problem exists. What should I do. The
>>problem Being:
>>>[Problem Description]
>>>1) When I boot with 128 mb Shared memory the X Server crashes while it works well till I am with
>>>mb shared memory. Where is the problem. I have also tried the latest drivers of Nvidia  1.0-7167
>>>still the same problem.
>>On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 YC Zhang wrote :
>>>Dear Friend :
>>>    Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
>>>      My name is ZYC, and I would be assisting you today.
>>>  Your board is a7n8x-vm/400 ,sir .
>>>i suggest you try to update bios under windows xp .
>>>It is easy to update bios under windows .
>>>1. Please install the ASUS UPDATE , you can find it in Drivers CD/software/asusupdt , install it .
>>>if you lose your driver!
>>  s !
>  CD , you can download it from here:
>>>2. Please check the attachment file ,this is the latest released version bios of your motherboard,
>>decompress it to any folder you like.
>>>3. run ASUS UPDATE from START-PROGRAM-ASUS-ASUS Update-ASUS Update, select
>>"Update BIOS  from a file" ,choose file type to all type,then specify the BIOS image file you have
>>decompressed .
>>>4.. When flash finish, it will ask you to reboot your PC , do it .
>>>Thank you for using ASUS products and services!
>>>If you have any problem about our products, you can visit our support site below to search the
>>solution at the first time!
>>>ASUS Customer Service !
>  Center (Beijing)
>>>*If you have any suggestion or
>  complaints about our tech su!
>>  pport service, please send your
>>valuable info to
>>cn , we arrange specilists to handle relative issue, your
>>suggestion may give us more elicitation to serve our customers much better.
>>>---------- Original Message ----------
>>> From :
>>>Sent : 2005-3-25 17:42:59
>>>To : ""
>>>Subject : <TSD> Motherboard A7N8X-VM
>>>Apply date : 3/25/2005 5:37:44 PM
>>>[Contact Information]
>>>*Name : Rohit Nanda
>>>*Email Address :
>>>Phone Number : +91-512-2297601
>>>City : Kanpur
>>>*Country : India
>>>[Product Information]
>>>*Product Type : Mothe!
>  rboard
>>>*Product Model : A7N8X-VM
>>>*Product S/N : 52MG071173
>>>Place of Purchase : Ahmedabad (India)
>>>*Date of Purchase : 2005/3/24
>>>[Motherboard Specification]
>>>*Motherboard Revision :!
>>  2.02
>>>*Motherboard BIOS Revision : 1003
>>>[VGA Card Specification]
>>>*VGA Card Vendor : Nvidia
>>>*VGA Card Model : Geforce4 MX
>>>*VGA Card Chipset : Onboard
>>>*VGA Card Driver : 1.0-6629
>>>[CPU Specification]
>>>*CPU Vendor : AMD
>>>*CPU Type : Socket A
>>>*CPU Speed : Athalon Xp 2600+
>>>[Memory Specification]
>>>*Memory Vendor : Samsung
>>>*Memory Model : DDR Ram 400 mhz
>>>*Memory Capacity : 256 x 2 = 512 MB
>>>[HDD Specification]
>>>HDD Vendor : Samsung
>>>HDD Model : SV0411N
>>>HDD Capacity : 40 GB
>>>[Add-on Card Specificatio]
>>>Add-on Card Vendor :
>>>Add-on Card Type :
>>>Add-on Card Model :
>>>*Operating System : Linux Gentoo
>>>[Problem Description]
>>>1) When I boot with 128 mb Shared memory the X Server crashes while it works well till I am with
>>>mb shared memory. Wher is the problem. I hav!
>>  e also tried the latest drivers of Nvidia  1.0-7167 but
>>>still t
>>he same problem.
>>>2) Will this problem be sorted out if I upgradethe bios using ASUS Update utility program under
>>>windows xp.  Should I download the bios ver. and use the .rom  file in it. As I am
>>>behind a http firewall and the utility cannot download the BIOS automatically from the Internet.
>>>3) On the Motherboard Box the sticker for the model is A7N8X-VM/400 - UAY, but on the board it
>>>printed as A7N8X-VM. How do I know what is my exact motherboard model.
>  >>
>>>Please Help.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Joshua Baergen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-31 14:52:15 UTC
Do you have Windows still installed so you can see if the issue occurs there?  Sometimes crashes due to shared memory can happen because of bad RAM.
Comment 2 Rohit Nanda 2005-05-30 21:43:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Do you have Windows still installed so you can see if the issue occurs there?
 Sometimes crashes due to shared memory can happen because of bad RAM.

I still have Windows installed and there are no hang ups or crashes whatsoever
in windows. The RAM in question is fine.
Comment 3 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-01 21:10:36 UTC
File a new bug if you still have problems w/ current xorg-server versions.