Please consider building a standalone cycles binary. This would enable it to be used in FreeCAD for rendering. This shouldn't complicate the ebuild significantly as it presumably only needs "WITH_CYCLES_STANDALONE", "WITH_CYCLES_STANDALONE_GUI" and maybe "-lGLU" in "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS". Look here for a reference: Reproducible: Always
Thought we had a bug about this before but maybe not.
Ah, kurly found bug 828880.
I've seen that, but it was a separate ebuild. It is easily doable within the existing blender ebuild. One could probably hide this behind "cycles-standalone" USE flag, which is disabled by default.
(In reply to PF4Public from comment #3) > I've seen that, but it was a separate ebuild. It is easily doable within the > existing blender ebuild. One could probably hide this behind > "cycles-standalone" USE flag, which is disabled by default. Bug 828880 wasn't for a separate ebuild?
As stated in the commit message for the ticket Sam linked, the cycles flags are not really meant to be used for distributions or end users. If you want to make Cycles a dependecy of an other package then you should use the official cycles repo for this. Doesn't make too much sense to have freecad pull in Blender if they want to use the cycles render engine.