This package uses variables banned in some scopes. This may stop working in future versions of Portage. $ pkgcheck scan -k VariableScope media-plugins/hdx-realtime-media-engine media-plugins/hdx-realtime-media-engine VariableScope: version 2.9.300.2604: variable 'BROOT' used in 'pkg_postinst', lines 90, 92 VariableScope: version 2.9.400.2702: variable 'BROOT' used in 'pkg_postinst', lines 91, 93
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit c4abbf5fd1f2475e2bf8df83f7d6aee9d6c27025 Author: Henning Schild <> AuthorDate: 2022-07-18 07:20:30 +0000 Commit: Sam James <> CommitDate: 2022-10-15 15:13:12 +0000 media-plugins/hdx-realtime-media-engine: switch from BROOT to ROOT To set the plugin up we run a configuration tools which is part of the package in pkg_postinst. Take the tool from ROOT and not BROOT any longer. Closes: Signed-off-by: Henning Schild <> Closes: Signed-off-by: Sam James <> .../hdx-realtime-media-engine-2.9.400.2702.ebuild | 4 ++-- .../hdx-realtime-media-engine-2.9.500.2802.ebuild | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)