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Bug 821439 - net-wireless/wpa_supplicant: Recommend to add -M option to relevant manual pages and wiki
Summary: net-wireless/wpa_supplicant: Recommend to add -M option to relevant manual pa...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
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Reported: 2021-11-03 10:59 UTC by Teng Zhang
Modified: 2022-08-05 04:14 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Teng Zhang 2021-11-03 10:59:50 UTC
Based on the Gentoo wiki ---> wpa_supplicant ---> the diff page of gitweb,
the -M option(CONFIG_MATCH_IFACE option) are used to descirbe matching rules 
with a wildcard interface name. 

But the description doesn't appear in the wpa_supplicant wiki page and relevant 
pages clearly, which makes some confuse to those who are not familiar with these 

Advice: I think it's maybe better to add the description of -M option to the wpa_
suppliant wiki page(using things like "Tips" or "Comment" at the beginning of the 
page),wpa_supplicant manual page and wpa_supplicant.conf manual page.
Comment 1 Matthew Marchese Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev 2022-08-05 04:13:52 UTC
The main namespace of our wiki is publicly modifiable. This content can be added by your (or anyone who is interested). Our devs are busy enough, so this is a WONTFIX from the wiki team... That stated, it looks like someone (perhaps the creator of this bug?) did note the option in this change:

If there is something else missing you think is missing from this page, kindly create an account and add it:

Thank you.