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Bug 812839 - media-video/vlc-3.0.16: stabilisation
Summary: media-video/vlc-3.0.16: stabilisation
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Stabilization (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Media-video project
Keywords: CC-ARCHES
Depends on: 797436
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2021-09-13 00:25 UTC by Sam James
Modified: 2021-10-11 23:35 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
nattka: sanity-check+


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-09-13 00:25:37 UTC
Comment 1 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2021-09-13 00:28:22 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2021-09-16 08:02:06 UTC
amd64 stable
Comment 3 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2021-09-16 08:03:49 UTC
ppc64 stable
Comment 4 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2021-09-18 12:30:53 UTC
x86 stable
Comment 5 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-10-02 19:06:07 UTC
arm64 done
Comment 6 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2021-10-09 19:48:30 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 7 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2021-10-10 11:08:27 UTC
All sanity-check issues have been resolved
Comment 8 ernsteiswuerfel archtester 2021-10-11 22:22:05 UTC
Looking good on ppc.

 # cat 
USE tests started on Mo 11. Okt 23:06:42 CEST 2021

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X a52 alsa -aom archive aribsub -bidi bluray -cddb -chromaprint -chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d -dbus dc1394 -dts dvbpsi dvd -encode faad fdk -ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt -gme -gnome-keyring -gstreamer ieee1394 -jack -jpeg kate libass -libcaca -libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar libtiger linsys -live -lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications -mad matroska -modplug -mp3 mpeg -mtp musepack -ncurses nfs -ogg omxil optimisememory opus -png -projectm pulseaudio qt5 -rdp -run-as-root -samba sdl-image sftp shout sid -skins soxr speex srt -ssl svg taglib -theora tremor truetype -twolame udev -upnp -v4l vnc vpx -wayland x264 -x265 xml -zeroconf -zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='-X a52 alsa aom -archive aribsub bidi -bluray cddb chromaprint -chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d dbus -dc1394 dts -dvbpsi dvd encode faad fdk ffmpeg flac fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt -gme gnome-keyring gstreamer -ieee1394 -jack jpeg -kate -libass -libcaca libnotify libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -live lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 -macosx-notifications -mad matroska modplug -mp3 -mpeg -mtp musepack -ncurses -nfs -ogg omxil optimisememory opus png -projectm -pulseaudio -qt5 rdp -run-as-root samba -sdl-image -sftp -shout sid -skins -soxr speex -srt -ssl svg -taglib theora tremor truetype -twolame -udev upnp -v4l vnc vpx -wayland x264 -x265 xml zeroconf -zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X -a52 -alsa -aom archive -aribsub -bidi -bluray cddb -chromaprint -chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d dbus dc1394 dts dvbpsi -dvd encode -faad fdk ffmpeg flac fluidsynth fontconfig -gcrypt gme -gnome-keyring gstreamer ieee1394 jack jpeg -kate libass libcaca -libnotify libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys live -lua -lua_single_target_lua5-1 -macosx-notifications -mad -matroska -modplug -mp3 -mpeg mtp -musepack -ncurses nfs ogg -omxil -optimisememory opus -png -projectm -pulseaudio -qt5 -rdp -run-as-root samba -sdl-image -sftp -shout -sid -skins soxr -speex srt -ssl -svg -taglib -theora -tremor truetype -twolame udev -upnp v4l vnc vpx wayland x264 -x265 xml zeroconf -zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X a52 -alsa -aom -archive -aribsub -bidi bluray -cddb -chromaprint -chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d -dbus dc1394 -dts dvbpsi -dvd -encode -faad fdk -ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt -gme -gnome-keyring -gstreamer -ieee1394 jack -jpeg -kate libass libcaca libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -live -lua -lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad matroska -modplug mp3 mpeg mtp musepack -ncurses nfs -ogg omxil -optimisememory opus -png -projectm pulseaudio qt5 rdp run-as-root -samba -sdl-image sftp -shout -sid skins soxr speex -srt ssl svg -taglib -theora tremor truetype -twolame -udev -upnp v4l -vnc vpx -wayland -x264 x265 xml zeroconf -zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X a52 -alsa -aom -archive -aribsub bidi bluray -cddb -chromaprint -chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d dbus -dc1394 -dts -dvbpsi -dvd -encode faad -fdk -ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth -fontconfig -gcrypt -gme gnome-keyring gstreamer ieee1394 jack jpeg -kate -libass libcaca libnotify libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -live -lua -lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad -matroska modplug -mp3 -mpeg mtp musepack -ncurses nfs ogg -omxil optimisememory -opus png -projectm pulseaudio qt5 rdp -run-as-root -samba -sdl-image -sftp shout sid -skins soxr speex -srt -ssl svg taglib -theora -tremor -truetype -twolame udev upnp -v4l -vnc -vpx -wayland x264 -x265 -xml -zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X -a52 alsa -aom -archive aribsub -bidi bluray -cddb -chromaprint chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d -dbus -dc1394 dts dvbpsi -dvd encode -faad fdk -ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt -gme gnome-keyring gstreamer -ieee1394 jack jpeg -kate -libass libcaca libnotify libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger linsys -live lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad -matroska -modplug -mp3 -mpeg -mtp musepack -ncurses nfs ogg omxil optimisememory opus png -projectm -pulseaudio qt5 -rdp run-as-root samba -sdl-image -sftp shout -sid -skins soxr -speex -srt ssl -svg taglib theora tremor truetype -twolame -udev -upnp v4l -vnc vpx -wayland -x264 x265 xml -zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X -a52 alsa aom -archive aribsub -bidi bluray -cddb chromaprint -chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d -dbus -dc1394 dts dvbpsi dvd encode faad fdk ffmpeg -flac -fluidsynth fontconfig -gcrypt gme gnome-keyring gstreamer -ieee1394 jack jpeg kate libass libcaca -libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar libtiger -linsys live lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 -macosx-notifications -mad -matroska modplug -mp3 -mpeg -mtp musepack -ncurses -nfs ogg omxil optimisememory opus -png -projectm pulseaudio qt5 rdp -run-as-root samba -sdl-image -sftp -shout -sid -skins soxr speex -srt -ssl svg taglib -theora -tremor truetype twolame -udev -upnp v4l -vnc vpx -wayland -x264 -x265 -xml zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X -a52 -alsa aom -archive -aribsub -bidi -bluray cddb -chromaprint -chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d -dbus -dc1394 dts dvbpsi dvd encode -faad fdk -ffmpeg -flac fluidsynth -fontconfig gcrypt -gme -gnome-keyring -gstreamer ieee1394 jack -jpeg -kate -libass libcaca libnotify libsamplerate libtar -libtiger -linsys live lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad -matroska modplug -mp3 -mpeg -mtp -musepack ncurses nfs ogg -omxil optimisememory -opus -png projectm pulseaudio qt5 -rdp -run-as-root samba -sdl-image sftp -shout -sid skins soxr -speex -srt -ssl -svg -taglib theora tremor truetype twolame udev upnp -v4l vnc -vpx -wayland x264 -x265 xml zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='-X -a52 alsa -aom archive -aribsub bidi -bluray -cddb chromaprint -chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d -dbus -dc1394 dts dvbpsi -dvd -encode faad -fdk -ffmpeg -flac fluidsynth -fontconfig gcrypt gme -gnome-keyring -gstreamer ieee1394 jack -jpeg -kate -libass -libcaca -libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger linsys -live -lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 -macosx-notifications -mad -matroska modplug -mp3 mpeg -mtp -musepack -ncurses nfs -ogg omxil optimisememory -opus png projectm pulseaudio -qt5 -rdp run-as-root samba -sdl-image sftp shout -sid -skins soxr -speex -srt -ssl -svg -taglib theora tremor -truetype twolame udev -upnp v4l -vnc -vpx wayland -x264 x265 xml zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='-X -a52 alsa aom archive aribsub bidi bluray cddb chromaprint chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d dbus dc1394 -dts dvbpsi -dvd encode -faad -fdk ffmpeg -flac -fluidsynth fontconfig -gcrypt -gme gnome-keyring gstreamer ieee1394 -jack -jpeg kate libass -libcaca libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -live lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad matroska modplug -mp3 -mpeg -mtp -musepack ncurses -nfs -ogg omxil optimisememory -opus -png projectm pulseaudio -qt5 rdp run-as-root samba -sdl-image -sftp shout -sid -skins soxr speex -srt -ssl svg -taglib theora -tremor truetype -twolame -udev upnp v4l -vnc vpx wayland x264 -x265 -xml zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X -a52 -alsa -aom -archive aribsub -bidi bluray -cddb chromaprint chromecast cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -dav1d dbus -dc1394 dts dvbpsi -dvd encode -faad -fdk ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt gme gnome-keyring -gstreamer ieee1394 jack -jpeg kate -libass -libcaca -libnotify libsamplerate -libtar libtiger linsys -live -lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 macosx-notifications mad -matroska modplug mp3 -mpeg mtp musepack ncurses -nfs ogg omxil optimisememory opus -png projectm -pulseaudio -qt5 -rdp run-as-root -samba sdl-image -sftp -shout sid -skins soxr speex -srt -ssl -svg -taglib -theora -tremor truetype -twolame udev -upnp -v4l vnc -vpx -wayland x264 -x265 -xml -zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
USE='X a52 -alsa -aom archive -aribsub bidi bluray -cddb -chromaprint -chromecast -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec dav1d dbus dc1394 -dts -dvbpsi -dvd encode -faad -fdk -ffmpeg flac -fluidsynth fontconfig gcrypt gme gnome-keyring -gstreamer ieee1394 jack jpeg -kate libass -libcaca libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -live -lua lua_single_target_lua5-1 -macosx-notifications -mad -matroska modplug -mp3 mpeg -mtp musepack ncurses nfs ogg omxil optimisememory opus -png projectm -pulseaudio -qt5 -rdp -run-as-root -samba -sdl-image -sftp -shout sid -skins soxr speex -srt -ssl svg -taglib theora tremor truetype -twolame -udev -upnp -v4l vnc -vpx wayland x264 -x265 -xml -zeroconf zvbi' succeeded for =media-video/vlc-3.0.16-r7
Comment 9 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-10-11 23:34:52 UTC
ppc done

all arches done
Comment 10 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-10-11 23:35:06 UTC
(In reply to ernsteiswuerfel from comment #8)
> Looking good on ppc.
>  # cat 
> USE tests started on Mo 11. Okt 23:06:42 CEST 2021

Thank you!