emerging dubs does not pull in all required header files for development. Specefily the file "dbus-arch-deps.h" is not installed to the system. I would like to start to include dbus support in some of my applications but currently dbus development under Gentoo is broken. Also the include files are being installed to /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus A symlink should be added for /usr/include/dbus for normal development habits i.e. #include <dbus/dbus.h>
you should use pkgconfig to tell you where the includes are & what do you need the arch specific include for (it cannot be used directly) ? There are dbus using apps out there that build & work just fine with the install as it is.
and dbus-arch-deps.h file is correctly installed. Makes this no bug.
Not according to the DBUS documentation. Including <dbus/dbus.h> also includes <dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h>. Try it yourself. #include <iostream> #include <dbus/dbus.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cout <<"This dbus example will not compile!\n"; return 0; } g++ test.cpp -o test -ldbus-1 will fail because of this missing header file (it will also fail if you don't symlink the /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus to /usr/include/dbus Anyways the "missing header" is installed to /usr/lib/include/dbus/... I just symlinked the file to /usr/include/dbus So either the gentoo installation is wrong, or the DBUS documentation is wrong. Either way symlinking the files to the correct locations fixes the problem.
errr.. I'm both wright and wrong. Everything is installed fine so long as you use pkg-config as said by foser. Don't spank me, I'm an ex WIN32 developer.. I was not aware that pkg-config existed. Anyways g++ test.cpp -o test `pkg-config dbus-1 --libs --cflags` works correctly.
*** Bug 86144 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***