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Bug 78406 - portage lacks virtuals query possibility
Summary: portage lacks virtuals query possibility
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Portage Tools Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-17 12:49 UTC by Maik Musall
Modified: 2011-06-15 05:25 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Maik Musall 2005-01-17 12:49:41 UTC
When some dependency needs virtual/xyz, xyz is resolved according to /usr/portage/profiles/base/virtuals, but that's possibly not what the user wants. For example, when mail-mta/ssmtp would be installed, one would like to find out

1. which virtual is satisfied by mail-mta/ssmtp?
2. which packages provide this virtual?

I see no possibility but something like
grep -rls "PROVIDE=.*virtual/xyz" /usr/portage/*
which runs very long.

IMHO equery should provide that function. It would be a direct support of the gentoo main goal to assist the user in being flexible about what implementation of some service (s)he wants to use.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
(see "Details")
Comment 1 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-01-18 07:23:15 UTC
reminder: add functionality to equery
Comment 2 Zac Medico gentoo-dev 2011-03-10 20:32:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> IMHO equery should provide that function.

This would be a good feature for emerge --search too.
Comment 3 Brian Dolbec (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-11 00:31:33 UTC
> reminder: add functionality to equery

That has been done in the -0.3.0_rc11 and up.  

equery has {aux_get_key} value

but so far it is just a simple text lookup for matching, so some keys are not useful lookups.  Useful ones are SLOT, repository, EAPI, LICENSE, FEATURES, NEEDED, LDFLAGS, INHERITED...
Comment 4 Paul Varner (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-06-15 05:25:23 UTC
Now that old style virtuals are removed from the tree, this can be done with the following command:

# equery depgraph virtual/mta
 * Searching for mta in virtual ...

 * dependency graph for virtual/mta-0
 `--  virtual/mta-0  amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2  (>=mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2) ~amd64  [mta]
   `--  mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r1  (<mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/courier-0.65.2-r1  (mail-mta/courier) amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/esmtp-1.2  (mail-mta/esmtp) amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/exim-4.76  (mail-mta/exim) amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/mini-qmail-1.06  (mail-mta/mini-qmail) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/msmtp-1.4.24  (>=mail-mta/msmtp-1.4.19-r1) ~amd64  [mta]
   `--  mail-mta/nbsmtp-1.00-r3  (mail-mta/nbsmtp) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/netqmail-1.06  (mail-mta/netqmail) amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/nullmailer-1.04  (mail-mta/nullmailer) amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/postfix-2.8.3-r1  (mail-mta/postfix) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/qmail-ldap-1.03-r8  (mail-mta/qmail-ldap) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/sendmail-8.14.5  (mail-mta/sendmail) ~amd64 
   `--  mail-mta/citadel-7.86  (mail-mta/citadel) ~amd64  [-postfix]
[ virtual/mta-0 stats: packages (15), max depth (1) ]

Any overlays with old style virtuals should be able to be queried with equery has in gentoolkit-