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Bug 783057 - =www-apps/radicale-3.0.6-r1: incompatible with thunderbird (lightning)
Summary: =www-apps/radicale-3.0.6-r1: incompatible with thunderbird (lightning)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Henning Schild
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-04-15 20:57 UTC by m1027
Modified: 2022-03-11 14:39 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description m1027 2021-04-15 20:57:24 UTC
Radicale has a lot of different setups like stand-alone or via apache, with/without wsgi etc. The documentation is not very aware yet of all the pitfalls you may step in.

In at least one of these caess, apache / wsgi / radicale, it's unclear how to make thunderbird (lightning) work with radicale 3.x as for the 2.1.x series.

See here:

Treat this post just as a reminder for others to make this critical 3.x issue visible.

BTW: I found it way to early to remove all of the 2.x ebuilds entirely. I had to recreate my own 2.x ebuild overlay to downgrade. This is a workaround until 3.x solves the issue.
Comment 1 Marco Scardovi (scardracs) 2021-04-16 14:12:06 UTC

thanks for pointing me about this issue. I have opened a PR: in order to restore the 2.1.12 ebuild and have set slot 2 and 3
Comment 2 Henning Schild 2022-02-06 12:12:41 UTC
I just took over maint and would really like to drop that old ebuild. The only way forward is to identify the rootcause and get it fixed in recent versions.

@m1027 please provide information on how to repro that, ideally without the added complexity of an apache and cgi (where file permission problems and other things might easily slip in where no actual bug is)

And please consider following up in the upstream issue, once a solution is found there we can continue the gentoo bits here.
Comment 3 Henning Schild 2022-02-06 13:17:40 UTC
I just installed thunderbird-bin-91 and connected it to my www-apps/radicale-3.0.6-r4. Could get/sync both my calenders without a problem.

There have been permission problems, but that was my fault because i ran "radicale --verify-storage" as root before even trying thunderbird.
Comment 4 m1027 2022-02-09 08:36:26 UTC
(In reply to Henning Schild from comment #3)
> I just installed thunderbird-bin-91 and connected it to my
> www-apps/radicale-3.0.6-r4. Could get/sync both my calenders without a
> problem.
> There have been permission problems, but that was my fault because i ran
> "radicale --verify-storage" as root before even trying thunderbird.

Thanks Henning for taking care on all this!

Concerning reproduction: The thing is that the setup incl. apache is a little
complex, and also to test it on my side it takes 2 hours downtime or so each
time to upgrade, let radicale --verify-storage run, test with thunderbird
calendar and then mostly roll back. And, the issue on github we linked above
is still not closed.

Last but not least, please do not remove the 2.x version too early as we do
have setups with dozens of users who simply expect to have the calender server
work and nothing else. And yes, 2.x works at least. In fact, the only thing that
has changed so far is thunderbird itself.

Anyway, let me repeat the upgrade test in the next couple of days so I can
renew my feedback.
Comment 5 Henning Schild 2022-02-10 07:35:16 UTC
I am not convinced that the upstream bug is helpful without a repro case or even remotely related to this one here.

As you say your setup is complex and the bug you are looking for might be in any component or your setup itself. Maybe 2.x in fact has a bug which you happen to rely on ... or thunderbird has a bug.

No need to take down your prod instance, Just build it again inside i.e. docker where you install radicale, apache, place config similar to yours and repro ... maybe with debian and "virtualenv pip".

Or you "virtualenv pip" a 3.x next to your 2.x and serve it on your apache under another vserver or path. That should be a matter of minutes and you will have a 3.x running for testing while your 2.x still is up, probably that apache will not even have to restart.

That being your prod with many users it is on your interest to update to keep that working, receive bugfixes and security updates. The moment you freeze and look away the "rotting" will start.
Comment 6 m1027 2022-02-23 18:27:31 UTC
I have updated

I could upgrade radicale to 3.x and use it with vdirsyncer. No excessive tests this thunderbird yet, though.
Comment 7 m1027 2022-02-24 13:03:11 UTC
Sadly, while vdirsyncer and davx5 calender clients seem to work properly against radicale 3.1.5, thunderbird does not.

So, with some clients working I am not sure whether this is an issue of radicale or thunderbird. However, thunderbird against radicale 2.1.x works perfectly.

So, for now please keep the radicale-2.x ebuilds.

As this may be a slightly different issue than filed before, I created a new issue describing the details:
Comment 8 Henning Schild 2022-02-25 17:18:05 UTC
Thanks for digging deeper. Seems you are one step further, but can not really tell why things work better now. Maybe the instructions help others and they might help with the new problem.

I will keep that old ebuild but certainly not let you off the hook.

I again offer to repro, please provide a detailed i.e. markdown document to install radicale in a debian container with pip, together with apache wsgi and your config bits.
Or maybe a Dockerfile to do all of it.

Say you can repro on a totally different distro ... that would be great. The document could be used to get others involved, especially tb or apache ... or who ever ...
Gentoo would be too slow to repro, and using another distro will help show its not a gentoo problem ... or maybe it is one, we do not know.

Being forced to write it down might also make you understand it better and possibly make you find a mistake in your rather complex setup.

Maybe be careful with opening issues in projects you can not clearly blame, as you could see in the other one nobody cared because it was just "it does not work" crying mixed with "it is so hard to set up, i do not understand". While that might be ok for some projects, this one does not seem to care, so no need to open another with in that style.
Comment 9 Henning Schild 2022-02-26 09:02:54 UTC
Please try 3.1.5 in a venv installed with pip

virtualenv /tmp/rve
source /tmp/rve/bin/activate
git clone
cd Radicale
pip install .

later change your wsgi to have a shebang to `/tmp/rve/bin/python`
Comment 10 m1027 2022-03-08 16:44:14 UTC
I have finally made thunderbird work for me against radicale-3.x.

Thunderbird works when URLs and local paths follow the USERNAME/CALNAME pattern. See details here:

So, this was kind of a mixed issue between changes from radicale-2.x to radicale-3.x as well as different behaviour of davx5 and vdirsycer on one hand and thunderbird on the other. This might be worth an entry in a Gentoo Wiki for Radicale, as it is too easy to make mistakes here.

I'll not need the ebuild for radicale-2.x anymore, now. Thanks for your patience.
Comment 11 Joonas Niilola gentoo-dev 2022-03-11 13:09:46 UTC
Thanks for the effort!
Comment 12 Henning Schild 2022-03-11 14:39:39 UTC
Cool, thanks. So we can eventually drop that old radicale.

Still i wonder ... because i never needed that workaround. Must have something to do with the reverse proxy for auth. And is in volation with the radicale docs.

But well, upstream problem i guess.