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Bug 74357 - mldonkey 2.5.22 is officially the latest STABLE release.
Summary: mldonkey 2.5.22 is officially the latest STABLE release.
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High minor
Assignee: Jon Hood (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2004-12-14 03:46 UTC by nobody
Modified: 2004-12-30 22:44 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description nobody 2004-12-14 03:46:18 UTC
From mldonkey webpage, and inside mldonkey message, the latest stable version is 2.5.22 so why we can only get the 2.5.16u ?

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Darke 2004-12-30 21:34:01 UTC
Quote from

"With the official web site, MLdonkey's "motd", and even those MLdonkeyworld articles all referring to MLdonkey 2.5-22 as "the latest stable version", it seems many people are using that one.
 Let's get it straight. 2.5-22 has (with 2.5-21), several major known bugs; They are quickly banned by edonkey servers, for instance!

So what should you run ?

It's actually difficult to give a good-for-everyone answer, but I'll give it a try. Those that like gory details will go read the forums anyway :)

Oldie but goodie, 2.5-16 with latest Spiralvoice patches (currently 2.5-16t) is still a safe choice. 
2.5-28, also with Spiralvoice patches (currently 2.5-28f), is a serious challenger, thanks to people working on bugfixes and improvements. 2.5-28 seem slightly less resource hungry than 2.5-16 on my box, and they're reports of improved sources handling. On the other hand, several secondary features of the edonkey support, like "reliable sources", are currently disabled; So if you depend on them, you'll probably prefer to stick with 2.5-16 cores."

/usr/portage/profiles/package.mask tells me:

# <> (17 Aug 2004)
# Masked by request of upstream developers.

It's been masked to a rather old version for a bit over 4 months. I was having problems using that version a month or two ago and upgraded to net-p2p/mldonkey-2.5.28-r1 which solved most of them, but it appears this is still there.

I have no clue as to what bugs have been fixed (security, or otherwise), but given the older versions simply won't work on a number of servers, it might be a good idea to unmask it, or at least ask these mysterious 'developers' why they need to have a version that doesn't work? :)

Comment 2 nobody 2004-12-30 22:44:29 UTC
Well, after checking the url you provide i must say i'm about to switch to another software :(

- Totally stupid and crazy version numbering
- OcamL language (might be fun for students, but who wants learn it just for 1 software ?)
- Lack of support (except a guy called SpiralVoice) seems no one work on it (yeah cause of ocaml too)
- Even the authors doesn't know what version is good, one says 2-5-16, other say 2-5-28, the www say 2.5.22...