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Bug 723264 - dev-lang/perl hardcodes "ar = ar" in, *even* when there is no "ar" on the system.
Summary: dev-lang/perl hardcodes "ar = ar" in, *even* when there is no "ar" ...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
Assignee: Gentoo Perl team
Depends on:
Blocks: tc-directly perl-toolchain 723154
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2020-05-15 17:24 UTC by Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED)
Modified: 2021-11-04 21:12 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2020-05-15 17:24:33 UTC
So, I built my perl like ago.

No /usr/bin/ar 
AR=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar in make.conf

1. It fails its own test suite.
2. If installed without testing, then:

> /usr/bin/perl -V:ar
> ar='ar';

Which is garbage, because that means anyone using even *CPAN's* encouraged pattern of "Ask Config what perl used, and use that", are getting flat out lied to.

Config is recording that it was built against an AR called "ar", which it most certainly wasn't!

And most(all) the ways of building perl stuff *DONT* respect AR from ENV, they override it in Makefile, and ExtUtils::MakeMaker decides what goes in there! And its .... "ar", which is wrong.

You can only workaround that by explicitly doing:

   emake AR="$AR" 

or similar.

So, this is a fire to light under an ass, because perl C stuff is basically screwed without this working.
Comment 1 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2020-05-16 02:19:41 UTC
Also good news: Patching to have the right value for "ar" fixes both bug #723154 and bug #723222 ! :)
Comment 2 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2020-05-16 02:30:06 UTC
(In reply to Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) from comment #1)
> Also good news: Patching to have the right value for "ar"
> fixes both bug #723154 and bug #723222 ! :)

Scratch the Data-Dump-Streamer being fixed, I didn't make sure to repro it first.

DDS is fine with stock perl AR settings, and is being messed up by LD being an actual LD, when it expects a CCLD, and is passing CFLAGS to it..... which LD does not support.
Comment 3 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2020-05-18 05:44:31 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit 4f1ee98f32a91ea3f84d1c5289d278f8012a8c6a
Author:     Kent Fredric <>
AuthorDate: 2020-05-18 05:41:46 +0000
Commit:     Kent Fredric <>
CommitDate: 2020-05-18 05:44:06 +0000

    dev-lang/perl: Enforce toolchain `ar` in ./configure
    This one neat trick convinces ./configure to use a correct, and
    specified "ar" during configure, as auto-detection completely fails
    when there is no binary named "ar" in $PATH, and despite completely
    failing to detect any "ar", configure just warns, and continues as
    normal, and then hardcodes that total failure of detection in, indicating "hey, the 'ar' perl was built with was
    'ar'", despite no such thing existing, and code afterwards will then
    try ( and fail ) to use that `ar` by consulting $Config{ar}
    This step compeletely side-steps auto-detection, so at very least, contains a value that at least one time, probably
    worked, and as a result, large amounts of EUMM/MB XS stuff no longer
    tries to use a default `ar` that never existed.
    -r1 bump required, as the consequences of this change propagate into
    everything that compiles C code against Perl, and a failure to upgrade
    perl with this fix results in future failures compiling other stuff
    But otherwise this really is just a one line fix:
    --- perl-5.30.2.ebuild  2020-04-13 01:31:59.268561073 +1200
    +++ perl-5.30.2-r1.ebuild       2020-05-18 16:46:13.972962817 +1200
    @@ -507,4 +507,5 @@
                    -Darchname="${myarch}" \
                    -Dcc="$(tc-getCC)" \
    +               -Dar="$(tc-getAR)" \
                    -Doptimize="${CFLAGS}" \
                    -Dldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.99, Repoman-2.3.22
    Signed-off-by: Kent Fredric <>

 dev-lang/perl/perl-5.30.2-r1.ebuild | 654 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 654 insertions(+)
Comment 4 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2021-11-04 21:12:41 UTC
Ok well it's fixed then.