I've always been starting rdesktop on the console sending it to the background (using the trailing ampersand): rdesktop ... remote & Since rdesktop-1.9.x, this fails -- if and only if there was a certificate confirmation request on the console to be confirmed with "yes". In that case rdesktop kind of hangs, printing "y" endlessly. Expected behaviour: Opening the remote desktop window. Workaround 1: Run rdesktop-1.9.x once *without* sending it to the background, and confirm with "yes". The remote desktop window opens as expected. Next time calling rdesktop, there is no confirmation dialog required anymore and thus sending rdesktop to the background works. Workaround 2: Downgrade to rdesktop-1.8.x. Thanks
Please check if it is one of the reports upstream https://github.com/rdesktop/rdesktop/issues