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Bug 713688 (seccomp) - [TRACKER] Packages without seccomp enabled or seccomp-related bugs
Summary: [TRACKER] Packages without seccomp enabled or seccomp-related bugs
Alias: seccomp
Product: Gentoo Security
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Auditing (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Security
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 713690 713694 713700 714070 714074 815877 443898 705128 711058 713706 713708 713710 783915 786228 789459
Blocks: 713704
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Reported: 2020-03-20 20:40 UTC by Sam James
Modified: 2022-03-27 00:15 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2020-03-20 20:40:52 UTC
seccomp is Linux's syscall filtering facility; applications define a restricted set of syscalls they are allowed to make once they have setup their core functionality.

This is a tracker bug for packages which don't currently have seccomp exposed as a USE flag / force it off, or where it is compiled in, but for some reason not enabled (e.g. config, see bug 711058).

If there are bugs in that package's seccomp implementation, we should try to patch it to allow the appropriate syscalls.