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Bug 70162 - gpsd-2.0.3 (New Package)
Summary: gpsd-2.0.3 (New Package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD, InVCS
: 93044 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 90848
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Reported: 2004-11-05 06:48 UTC by stephan
Modified: 2005-07-02 02:16 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

gpsd-2.3.ebuild (gpsd-2.3.ebuild,1014 bytes, text/plain)
2004-11-05 06:49 UTC, stephan
gpsd-2.3.ebuild (KEYWORDS fixed) (gpsd-2.3.ebuild,995 bytes, text/plain)
2004-11-05 07:12 UTC, stephan

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description stephan 2004-11-05 06:48:53 UTC

this is an Ebuild for the new,clean and active developed version of the gpsd. It was "re-launched" in August 2004.
Comment 1 stephan 2004-11-05 06:49:51 UTC
Created attachment 43338 [details]
Comment 2 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-05 07:04:12 UTC
Couple of things:

1) This probably produces files collisions with gpsdrive, so this should block gpsdrive, and vice versa.

2) Have you actually tested on all the architectures listed in KEYWORDS?

(/me is really gonna have to break out his garmin again soon)
Comment 3 stephan 2004-11-05 07:12:07 UTC
Created attachment 43344 [details]
gpsd-2.3.ebuild (KEYWORDS fixed)
Comment 4 stephan 2004-11-05 07:17:31 UTC
1) It shouldn't collide with gpsdrive as gpdrive installs gpds in /usr/bin
Anyway gpsdrive it selfs uses gpsd, so I would like to replace the old one that comes with gpsdrive. Is there a clean (in means of porage) way to do this ?

2) Oh sorry, copied it and missed to delete everything beside ~x86 ;o)
Comment 5 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-05 07:29:50 UTC
1) Where does this install gpsd? Regardless, you'll have two gpsd binaries lying around, and this inevitably will cause confusion. There was an email to the gpsdrive list a while ago about this new gpsd, and as far as i recall, the goal was to make gpsdrive work with this, but i'm not sure how *well* it works with it at this point. I'd really prefer not to cause potential bugs by rushing this process. Much better to let the gpsdrive folks adopt this when they're ready. Until then, I'd prefer not to have to deal with how these two packages interact.

2) lesson learned. (:
Comment 6 stephan 2004-11-05 08:05:06 UTC
1) so you suggest to modify the Ebuild to block with gpsdrive, who can I do this ?

2) when it's done, how can I override it, so I can install gpsdrive and gpsd ?
Comment 7 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-18 05:33:14 UTC
*** Bug 93044 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Raphael Jacquot 2005-06-30 02:37:24 UTC
I request being maintainer of this package
what is needed ?
Comment 9 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 03:19:44 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> I request being maintainer of this package
> what is needed ?

Sorry, this is not possible. Only official Gentoo devs have commit access to
CVS. If you do not have access to Gentoo CVS, you can't really maintain an ebuild. 
Comment 10 Stefan Schweizer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-30 08:01:10 UTC
Raphael: If you have a couple of packages you want to maintain and think you are
skilled enough in ebuild-matters you could volunteer to become a developer.
Comment 11 stephan 2005-07-02 01:47:32 UTC
I think you could close this bug since there is already 
sci-geosciences/gpsd-2.25 ebuild in portage, which obviously was more 
successfully to get there ;o) 
Comment 12 Henrik Brix Andersen 2005-07-02 02:16:40 UTC
Thanks. Closing as FIXED.