Would it be possible to add support for devuan into Gentoo deboostrap packages? Besides the distribution codenames, it would likely require incorporating some other code from https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/debootstrap including but not limited to making sure systemd is not installed when not asked for (there is related debian bug on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=668001 but I didn't found where the discussion moved from then, if anywhere). Or did they diverge to the point it would be better to make them two packages?
[1] suggests that you use debootstrap to install some Debian release (in a chroot obviously) and then tweak it to arrive at something resembling a Devuan release. Support for Devuan should be merged at debootstrap upstream, and not in Gentoo. [1] https://devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/jessie-minimal-install