I'd like to have pine store passwords. I tried adding the following line to /etc/portage/package.use thinking it would allow password storage: mail-client/pine passfile here part of output when emerged pine: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild U ] mail-client/pine-4.61-r2 [4.60] -debug -kerberos +ldap +pam +passfile +ssl 3,107 kB but the password was still needed. here is a link to a solution: http://www.washington.edu/pine/pine-info/2002.10/msg00021.html I currently use my own compiled pine with os-lnx.h:#define PASSFILE ".pine.pwd" and paswords are stored. note that [afaik] the file .pine.pwd must exist before pine will attempt to store a password. so my user account creation scripts include a > .pine.pwd . Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. fbc13 root # emerge info pine Portage 2.0.50-r11 (default-x86-2004.0, gcc-3.3.4, glibc-, 2.6.9-rc2) ================================================================= System uname: 2.6.9-rc2 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) Gentoo Base System version 1.4.16 distcc 2.16 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632) [enabled] ccache version 2.3 [enabled] Autoconf: sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r4 Automake: sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r1 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86" AUTOCLEAN="yes" CFLAGS=" -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer " CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" COMPILER="" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/share/config /var/qmail/control /var/spool/fax/etc" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d" CXXFLAGS=" -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer " DISTDIR="/bkup/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="autoaddcvs buildpkg ccache distcc sandbox" GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://gentoo.osuosl.org http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo" MAKEOPTS="-j5" PKGDIR="/bkup/portage/P4-AMD-KDE" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/bkup/portage/local" SYNC="rsync://" USE="X acl alsa apache2 apm avi berkdb bitmap-fonts cdr crypt cups dba dvd encode esd foomaticdb gd gdbm gif gphoto2 gpm gtk2 imap imlib java jikes jpeg kde ldap libg++ libwww mad maildir mikmod mmx motif mozilla mpeg mysql ncurses nls oggvorbis opengl pam pda pdflib perl png python qt quicktime readline sdl slang spell ssl svga tcltk tcpd truetype x86 xml xml2 xmms xprint xv zlib"
This feature is already in pine, you just need to enable passfile USE flag.