Building kwin-9999 now fails with an automoc error, even if I use kwin_LIVE_COMMIT= to pin it to the very same commit I last built a few days ago, successfully. Indeed, attempting to build any commit I've tried, or attempting to build 5.11.4 (using ebuild <file> compile to avoid dependency issues or actual merge) seems to fail with the same automoc error, so it's apparently not a kwin issue itself, but presumably in something else updated in the last week, only I don't know where or how to find and fix it. Automoc itself hasn't changed so that seems to be out. make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999_build' AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinscripts/main.cpp AutoMoc error ------------- "/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinscripts/main.cpp" The file contains a K_PLUGIN_FACTORY macro, but does not include "main.moc"! Consider to - add #include "main.moc" - enable SKIP_AUTOMOC for this file AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/detectwidget.cpp AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/kcm.cpp AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/kwinsrc.cpp AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/ruleslist.cpp AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/ruleswidget.cpp AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/detectwidget.h AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/kcm.h AutoMoc: Checking: /tmp/portage/kde-plasma/kwin-9999/work/kwin-9999/kcmkwin/kwinrules/ruleslist.h make[2]: *** [kcmkwin/kwinscripts/CMakeFiles/kcm_kwin_scripts_autogen.dir/build.make:58: kcmkwin/kwinscripts/CMakeFiles/kcm_kwin_scripts_autogen] Error 1 Seem to be getting errors submitting, I'll try attaching the build log later...
Created attachment 510414 [details] full build log
Created attachment 510416 [details] emerge --info kwin
Hmm... Seems to be kcoreaddons... bisecting that now...
Nailed down to kcoreaddons upstream commit fbc5881b9 (current head), kwin builds with the previous kcoreaddons commit, 901435288, changing summary accordingly.
Upstream kde bug:
Fixed upstream.