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Bug 63582 - hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 ebuild
Summary: hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 ebuild
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Java team
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Blocks: 63288 63308
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2004-09-10 12:07 UTC by Hendrik Sticher
Modified: 2004-10-30 13:58 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

ebuild for hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 (hsqldb-1.7.2-r4.ebuild,1.11 KB, text/plain)
2004-09-12 03:02 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
patch for the build process of hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 to fix javadoc target (hsqldb-1.7.2-r4-build.diff,1.39 KB, text/plain)
2004-09-12 03:04 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
ebuild for hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 (hsqldb-1.7.2-r4.ebuild,1.91 KB, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:41 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/init.d/hsqldb (hsqldb,353 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:42 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/conf.d/hsqldb (hsqldb,881 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:43 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/hsqldb_start (hsqldb_start,810 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:44 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/hsqldb_stop (hsqldb_stop,813 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:45 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/hsqldbmanager (hsqldbmanager,722 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:45 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/hsqldbtool (hsqldbtool,792 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:46 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/ (,149 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:46 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
files/1.7.2/sqltool.rc (sqltool.rc,78 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-19 11:47 UTC, Hendrik Sticher
Dan's ebuild for hsqldb (hsqldb-1.7.2.ebuild,2.36 KB, text/plain)
2004-10-13 07:00 UTC, Daniel Solano Gómez
Support files for Dan's ebuild (files.tar.bz2,833 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2004-10-13 07:03 UTC, Daniel Solano Gómez

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-10 12:07:36 UTC
Following the new java policy, packages shouldn't rely on packed jars, dependencies need to be added on our own packages and used.

hsqldb is used at least in jconfig and jboss.

I already started working on the ebuild, but failed creating start / stop scripts as well as init.d scripts.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Thomas Matthijs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-10 13:01:37 UTC
maybe you could attach your current ebuild so the rest of us can help :)
Comment 2 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-11 10:27:55 UTC
I will continue work for a few days and will submit the ebuild so or so (finshed or unfinished)
Comment 3 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-12 03:02:24 UTC
Created attachment 39431 [details]
ebuild for hsqldb-1.7.2-r4
Comment 4 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-12 03:04:07 UTC
Created attachment 39432 [details]
patch for the build process of hsqldb-1.7.2-r4 to fix javadoc target
Comment 5 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-12 03:10:40 UTC
I suggest dev-db/hsqldb as category of this new package. 
hsqldb is a lightweight and very fast SQL-92 conform database that is
used by JBoss and other open-source projects. 

To be able to set this ebuild as dependency for those projects the submitted
ebuild should fit.

Missing is the end-user configuration to run this database standalone like
any other (e.g. mysql). For that additional scripts would need to be created
as they are not part of the package source itself.

e.g. /usr/bin/hsqldbd

Within the package source you can find a file named bin/hsqldb which should be
something like a init.d script , but it looks too flaky  
to fix it in a manner that it fits into gentoo.

Comment 6 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-15 06:20:58 UTC
continued the work and will finalize the ebuild within the next few days.
Comment 7 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:41:27 UTC
Created attachment 39930 [details]
ebuild for hsqldb-1.7.2-r4
Comment 8 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:42:29 UTC
Created attachment 39931 [details]
Comment 9 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:43:48 UTC
Created attachment 39932 [details]
Comment 10 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:44:42 UTC
Created attachment 39934 [details]
Comment 11 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:45:16 UTC
Created attachment 39935 [details]
Comment 12 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:45:51 UTC
Created attachment 39936 [details]
Comment 13 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:46:21 UTC
Created attachment 39937 [details]
Comment 14 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:46:56 UTC
Created attachment 39938 [details]
Comment 15 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:47:34 UTC
Created attachment 39939 [details]
Comment 16 Hendrik Sticher 2004-09-19 11:51:06 UTC
Work is done for this ebuild. It is not perfect, but I was not able to provide 
some better. The init-script within the source package calls a class named
org.hsqldb.utilSqlSprayTool, but I was not able to get this one running.

In adittion the location for the properties ( and sqltool.rc) is not perfect (/usr/share/hsqldb), but also for this I couldn't manage to provide a different location. 

If there are too many scripts, feel free to remove them. Initially they show how
to start that database and the built-in tools.
Comment 17 Daniel Solano Gómez 2004-10-13 06:59:53 UTC
Not realising this bug already existed, I created my own ebuild for hibernate.  I'm not sure what all the differences are, except that I try to use the control script provided by the package, with a simple wrapper for the gentoo runscript.  I'll go ahead and attach my files, and perhaps this will make it into portage soon.
Comment 18 Daniel Solano Gómez 2004-10-13 07:00:56 UTC
Created attachment 41715 [details]
Dan's ebuild for hsqldb

Here's my ebuild, tested on amd64.
Comment 19 Daniel Solano Gómez 2004-10-13 07:03:34 UTC
Created attachment 41716 [details]
Support files for Dan's ebuild

The support files for my ebuild include starter sqltool.rc,,
not unlike those already here.	It also includes hsqldb, a wrapper script that
goes in /etc/init.d.
Comment 20 Thomas Matthijs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-30 13:58:57 UTC
added thanks