The following packages do not specify any addresses, so they are supposedly missing a proxy. If proxy-maint team maintains them, we should add it to metadata.xml and all the bugs. If somebody else proxies for the dev, he should add himself. net-irc/inspircd Wade Cline -- I think it's proxy-maint net-irc/quasselgrep Scott Martin -- likewise net-wireless/broadcom-sta tomboy64 -- likewise dev-util/gyp Arfrever -- no clue app-cdr/b5i2iso Yegor Timoshenko -- used to be gpm but he's gone app-cdr/bchunk likewise app-cdr/ccd2iso likewise
I often proxy commits for Arfrever, but I have no desire to be copied on random bug reports for those packages. Is it written somewhere that every package must have a maintainer?
Yes, in the same place which says packages can be maintained by non-Gentoo devs. Long story short, we need someone to track proxied maintainers. If a Gentoo developer goes MIA, we have Undertakers with procedures to reassign packages and things eventually get resolved. With proxied maintainers, things can go to /dev/null for a very long time without anybody noticing.
> Yes, in the same place which says packages can be maintained by non-Gentoo devs. Please provide a reference. I asked the question because I am not aware of any policy on this, and I don't know where to look for it.
That meant it's not written.
I think an automated process for identifying idle maintainers in general would yield more consistent results than relying on individual developers to notice when people stop sending patches or go silent on Bugzilla.
(In reply to Michał Górny from comment #0) > net-wireless/broadcom-sta tomboy64 -- likewise I'm ont using broadcom-sta any more, so I'm not proxying commits (I haven't seen any activity from him in quite some time anyway)
net-irc/quasselgrep fixed in 5e26e25a221028c2679694a12e9516a0af372932. Thanks for the heads-up. this tool can search for metadata files which have but no proxy-maintainer included (eg: no non-gentoo mail address) We fixed all packages which were found by that script.