The license demands that it is distributed together with the binaries This is not the case. The mirror construction SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tgz" which causes the problem here, should not be used anymore (since +7 years) " Previous policy was to use mirror://gentoo directly, but this is now deprecated, as that wouldn't allow to have long-term availability and traceability of the source files, which might be a requirement of the license. "
There is no response to bug 632402. Could you please look into that one, if you still maintain it. I suggest to tree clean it, if we can not distribute it legally till 2018-04-21. Thank you.
Reassigning to licenses@ since the package is maintainer-needed now but the bug is restricted.
Newer versions of these files are installed by sys-kernel/linux-firmware. For example (note that it includes security fixes!): CCing treecleaners.
Package removed.