eclean-kernel does not allow PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_5"
I tried 3.6 as well and it seems to run fine. ("No outdated kernels found.") Suggesting this: PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_4,3_5,3_6} pypy )
Came here to report the missing python_targets_python3_5 and python_targets_python3_6 flags.
`eclean-kernel2` is a rewrite of `eclean-kernel` in C++ (I have no idea why, but still), it's been in ~amd64 for quite a while. I guess this bug doesn't get much attention (unfortunately) because of that.
Yeah, there's no point in pretending that old eclean-kernel really works. I'm going to remove it soonish in favor of ek2 which -- while unfinished -- is at least free of random crashes and horrible hacks.