Created attachment 472862 [details] emerge --info konsole >> 0_emerge--info-konsole.txt Description: AWESOME Issue #1784 [Multiple separate X11 screens] kde-apps/konsole-17.04.1 :: "close" :: app re-locates to another (hidden) tab -> Upstream: KDE_Bug 379914 - [Multiple separate X11 screens] [Awesome WM] kde-apps/konsole-17.04.1 :: "close" :: app re-locates to another (hidden) tab
Although confirmed as working stable multiple times, unfortunately, Elv13 stated that nobody @ Awesome would care about independent X11 screens ("ZaphoMode") any more; c.f. ff. Same disinterest stated by leading upstream (=KDE) developers. If really nobody cares besides me, I do not mind to close as "WONTFIX".