Installing lgogdownloader, I unmasked libjsoncpp 1.7.5. It installed, but broke cmake (3.7.2, system-json use flag enabled), which was looking for, but this library didn't exist. I think one of these are the culprit, haven't had time to investigate further. - missing library symlink (haven't tried by hand) - missing slot possibility for jsoncpp - bad cmake dependency specification.
Could you please elaborate on how cmake broke?
Ok, it's been a week. Closing for now.
Hi, Sorry for not responding sooner. Here goes : A system using cmake with the system-json flag, any ABI change to jsoncpp breaks cmake, which breaks building for a lot of other packages. I now have two cases when that happened : -upgrade to libjsoncpp-1.7.5 (resulting in not existing at all, as libjsoncpp-1.7.5 provides -gcc 4.9 -> 5.4.0 upgrade. ABI change resulting in any cmake failing with "cmake: symbol lookup error: cmake: undefined symbol: _ZNK4Json6Reader25getFormattedErrorMessagesEv" The only solution I found as of now is to extract a binary from another distro's binary package (I used fedora's binary for the upgrade case), and recompiling cmake (system-json flag disabled until ABIs settle down).