When trying to install gentoo linux, or to reinstall / update glibc 2.2.5 with gcc 3.1, with -msse2 or -march=pentium4 in make.conf, it fails with a gcc internal compiler error (see gcc gnats system, bug id `target/7486'. I've to run all my stage2/3 compiles with at most -march=pentium3. Is it possible to automatically reduce -march=pentium4 to pentium3 in the ebuild script of glibc when gcc 3.1 is used, to be able to set -march=pentium4 in make.conf for all other builds?
It is. I did it for a few (mozilla, xfree comes to mind). I however think that it should be fixed gcc side, so will appreciate it if you can submit a full report with the gcc devs. I did so for xfree and -march=pentium4.
I did (nr 7486). Status is still "open/unassigned". Their bug handling seems to be much slower than Gentoo's. I'm afraid waiting for help from their side will take some time... (but I can live with -march=pentium3 in my make.conf in the mean time).
Yep :( Anyhow, a gcc issue.