Since the fix for bug 612960, the behavior for emerge --usepkg has changed for cases where an atom can only be satisfied by a binary package that would be masked by the --use-ebuild-visiblity option. For example, a command like this used to succeed for a package where a binary package was available but the corresponding ebuild was not longer available: # emerge --usepkg =app-misc/foo-3 [binary U ] app-misc/foo-3 Since commit e309323f156528a8a79a1f755e1326e8880346b7, it fails as follows: # emerge --usepkg =app-misc/foo-3 !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "=app-misc/foo-3" have been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request: - app-misc/foo-3::test_repo (masked by: )
Patch posted for review:
This is in the master branch: