Created attachment 465990 [details, diff] rust-bin-1.15.1-arm.patch Please review attached patch. Tested on Raspberry Pi 2.
This appears to be a "subbug" of bug 609654. ARM 64 while your at it.
(In reply to Michael Lawrence from comment #2) > > > ARM 64 while your at it. > > wiliing to test on my RPI3.
The patch for the ebuild works in terms of downloading the arm binaries from rust upstream and installing them, accordingly to either arm hard float architecture or arm softfloat architecture. But do you think it is possible to move this section local postfix use amd64 && postfix=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu + if use arm; then + if [[ "$(tc-is-softfloat)" != "no" ]]; then + postfix=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi + else + postfix=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf + fi + fi use x86 && postfix=i686-unknown-linux-gnu mv "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-${postfix}" "${S}" || die before the invocation of src_unpack in the ebuild? Because due to this, one has to download both flavours of arm binaries, unpack them both and have one of them installed later. Which gives you a working rust, but still, is a bit of a bummer.
If someone else feels like compiling firefox binaries you'd need armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf and not arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf in rust-bin. Softfloat is not officially supported by mozilla, but fedora seems to have patches for that (mostly skia related)
I forgot about this and came up with an own approach for hardfloat in the meantime, it can be reviwed here: Please add a comment if you'd like to see softfloat detection enabled. I mixed your patch in for armv6j* ; but it can't be done for armv7* softfloat, simply because there is no prebuilt rustc available by upstream.
Bug can be closed, there is a fix in tree now!
Thank you for all the hard work, and sorry I couldn't review sooner.
This bug was a keyword request for the arm architecture. It has been put to resolved fixed, even though the rust-bin package is currently not keyworded for arm (it is keyworded for amd64, x86, arm64, and ppc64). Could it be re-opened?
the keywording is happening in on positive note, you can keyword yourself and use rust-bin on arm, works for me. it'll get arm keywords eventually I hope.