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Bug 606108 (chymera) - New Developer: Horea Christian (chymera)
Summary: New Developer: Horea Christian (chymera)
Alias: chymera
Product: Gentoo Developers/Staff
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New Developers (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Recruiting Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-01-17 19:07 UTC by Göktürk Yüksek
Modified: 2020-08-10 00:38 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Göktürk Yüksek archtester gentoo-dev 2017-01-17 19:07:00 UTC
Name: Horea Christian
Nick: chymera
Mentor: gokturk
Areas of contributions: science overlay, proxy-maint
Tree access: Yes

Horea is a neuroscientist from Switzerland. He is interested in 
integrating Gentoo into scientific workflows in order to make them more 
flexible, portable, reproducible and better documented. As such, a good 
portion of his work lies in maintaining scientific packages both in the 
science overlay and in the tree as a proxied-maintainer. He was also 
one of the speakers of Gentoo Miniconf 2016 in Prague.

He has expressed interest in joining the science and python projects.

He has already finished the ebuild quiz and working on the end quiz. We 
will send both quizzes once they are finished.
Comment 1 Mikle Kolyada (RETIRED) archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2017-11-27 11:10:46 UTC
What's the status here?
Comment 2 Horea Christian 2017-12-01 18:45:10 UTC
Both quizzes are sent to the recruiters.
Comment 3 Amy Liffey gentoo-dev 2017-12-02 19:31:18 UTC
I will be your recruiter. Always add a comment to this bug when you send something to that address. Please contact me by IRC or email to schedule the first review session. If you think that recruiters aren't paying attention to this bug at any later point in time, it's your job to ping us on IRC if you don't want any delays.
Comment 4 Amy Liffey gentoo-dev 2018-06-15 17:41:16 UTC
We agreed with the recruit that overlay access granted in bug #654406 is sufficient now.
Comment 5 Horea Christian 2020-08-09 07:13:48 UTC
Hi mgorny, gokturk, is there any chance we could resume this? What with the shortage of manpower in proxy-maint, I'm pretty sure I can pull the weight of my own packages. You can see my commit history in Gentoo Science. At least my part of the overlay works really smoothly.
Comment 6 Benda Xu gentoo-dev 2020-08-10 00:38:57 UTC
After working with Horea Christian in Gentoo Science for years, I would like to advocate him to Gentoo.