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Bug 60542 - xmms-speex-0.9.1.ebuild (New Package)
Summary: xmms-speex-0.9.1.ebuild (New Package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Lowest enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-16 04:57 UTC by Miguel Angel Rasero
Modified: 2005-11-12 11:31 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

speex-xmms-0.9.1.ebuild (speex-xmms-0.9.1.ebuild,659 bytes, text/plain)
2004-08-16 04:59 UTC, Miguel Angel Rasero
patch (avoid crash) (gentoo.patch,3.14 KB, patch)
2004-10-11 14:47 UTC, basic
Details | Diff
xmms-speex-0.9.1.ebuild (Updated Ebuild) (xmms-speex-0.9.1.ebuild,714 bytes, text/plain)
2005-02-27 20:14 UTC, Chris Arndt
xmms-speex-0.9.1.patch (Updated Patch) (xmms-speex-0.9.1.patch,3.14 KB, patch)
2005-02-27 20:15 UTC, Chris Arndt
Details | Diff

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Description Miguel Angel Rasero 2004-08-16 04:57:22 UTC
Hi, this is my first ebuild so i will make mistakes, sorry.

Speex is a free codec specialized for speech and voice. This is the media-plugin to xmms player.

I suggest media-plugin/speex-xmms.
Comment 1 Miguel Angel Rasero 2004-08-16 04:59:42 UTC
Created attachment 37520 [details]
Comment 2 Jon Hood (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-17 20:33:24 UTC
most of the other xmms plugins are in the form of

I would be able to maintain this if someone on the sound herd could give a preference on the naming convention here?
Comment 3 Jon Hood (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-17 20:36:39 UTC
Forgot to give my comments on the ebuild :-[

^where are you trying to put this?

src_unpack() is not needed; it's all done by default (cosmetic).
Comment 4 Miguel Angel Rasero 2004-08-17 23:20:32 UTC
The name can be changed if you define ${MY_P} i see better to follow the other naming convention, i dont know that src_unpack isnt necessary i used it and i used doexe because i have found it in other media-plugins builds, really the is installed by make install but i didnt understant very well the gentoo developer and ebuild guides documents very well. sorry.
Comment 5 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-15 11:10:09 UTC
I'm assuming you need to do an 'exeinto' before the doexe to set where you want the .so  ... it should probably be in one of the `xmms-config --<something>-plugin-dir` locations...
Comment 6 Miguel Angel Rasero 2004-10-07 06:59:32 UTC
I have tested like it's write and it works well, i didn't know the ebuild tricks so i see other xmms plugins to make any seemed, i thinked that this ebuild it's important because speex it's every day more used and i love gentoo so i try to help it a bit, but i am not a programmer so all that i can do (with me little free time) is try to do anything that a real programmer can fix and include in portage.
Comment 7 basic 2004-10-11 14:47:41 UTC
Created attachment 41582 [details, diff]
patch (avoid crash)

Here's a patch that I have sent to
It fixes a crash I've experienced with this plugin.
To test for the crash, open a speex file and play it.
Close xmms. Move the speex file elsewhere.
 Reopen xmms and try to play it and stop it. Without this patch,
I got xmms crashing at various times.
Comment 8 Chris Arndt 2005-02-27 17:51:10 UTC
When is this ebuild going to be added to the portage tree?
I was just getting ready to write it myself, because it wasn't in the tree, and then I did a quick search here on the bugs form and found that it has been sitting in the que for about 6 months.
Comment 9 Chris Arndt 2005-02-27 20:09:50 UTC
I just added updates for the ebuild and path.
These only work with speex-1.1.5.  The header is in a different location for speex-1.1.6.

Also I noticed that the track length isn't displayed.  It appears as 0:00.
Comment 10 Chris Arndt 2005-02-27 20:14:46 UTC
Created attachment 52285 [details]
xmms-speex-0.9.1.ebuild (Updated Ebuild)
Comment 11 Chris Arndt 2005-02-27 20:15:34 UTC
Created attachment 52286 [details, diff]
xmms-speex-0.9.1.patch (Updated Patch)
Comment 12 Luis Medinas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-12 11:31:46 UTC
Package added. I commited two fixes because the ebuild didn't work on amd64 so i
add to patch the Makefiles to compile with -fPIC and i enabled utf8 support.

Thanks everybody present on this bug.