During setup of a new tinderbox image I'm faced with : These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order: Calculating dependencies .... done! [ebuild N ] app-arch/sharutils-4.15.2::gentoo USE="nls" 0 KiB [ebuild rR ] dev-lang/perl-5.22.2:0/5.22::gentoo USE="berkdb gdbm -debug -doc -ithreads" 0 KiB [ebuild r U ] sys-apps/iproute2-4.8.0::gentoo [4.4.0::gentoo] USE="berkdb iptables ipv6 -atm -minimal (-selinux)" 0 KiB [ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-6.0.35:6.0::gentoo [4.8.30-r2:4.8::gentoo] USE="cxx -doc -examples -java -tcl {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB [ebuild N ] www-client/pybugz-0.13::gentoo USE="-zsh-completion" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4 -python3_5" 0 KiB [ebuild N ] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.2-r1::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -pypy -python3_5" 0 KiB [nomerge ] sys-apps/iproute2-4.8.0::gentoo [4.4.0::gentoo] USE="berkdb iptables ipv6 -atm -minimal (-selinux)" [ebuild U ] net-firewall/iptables-1.6.0-r1:0/11::gentoo [1.4.21-r1:0/0::gentoo] USE="ipv6 -conntrack -netlink -nftables% -pcap% -static-libs" 0 KiB [ebuild U ] app-portage/portage-utils-0.64::gentoo [0.62::gentoo] USE="nls -static" 0 KiB Total: 8 packages (3 upgrades, 3 new, 1 in new slot, 1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB The following packages are causing rebuilds: (net-firewall/iptables-1.6.0-r1:0/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) causes rebuilds for: (sys-apps/iproute2-4.8.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) >>> Verifying ebuild manifests I do wonder why Perl isn't mentioned as a package being rebuild (due to sys-libs/db-6.0.35:6.0::gentoo I do assume).
I suspect that the depgraph._compute_abi_rebuild_info method does not recognize this because the rebuild is triggered by a new slot of sys-libs/db, while the old slot remains installed: [ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-6.0.35:6.0::gentoo [4.8.30-r2:4.8::gentoo] USE="cxx -doc -examples -java -tcl {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB
Maybe OT but I do wonder why nearly every fresh unpacked new stage3 image rebuilds Perl at this step: emerge app-arch/sharutils app-portage/gentoolkit app-portage/portage-utils www-client/pybugz (around line 387 in https://github.com/toralf/tinderbox/blob/master/bin/tbs.sh)