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Bug 588168 - net-libs/webkit-gtk: Rename "geoloc" USE flag to "geolocation"
Summary: net-libs/webkit-gtk: Rename "geoloc" USE flag to "geolocation"
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
Whiteboard: Was: Rename "geoloc" USE flag to "geo...
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-07-06 15:31 UTC by
Modified: 2016-10-16 10:05 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description 2016-07-06 15:31:00 UTC
The USE flags geoloc and geolocation both do the same thing: they switch geo-location on, but in different packages.

Reproducible: Always

Expected Results:  
We should have just one geo-location USE flag to be used by the packages that need it.
Comment 1 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2016-07-06 16:49:47 UTC
% equery hasuse -p geoloc
 * Searching for USE flag geoloc ...
[-P-] [  ] net-im/empathy-3.12.11:0
[-P-] [  ] net-im/empathy-3.12.12:0
[-P-] [  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11:3/25
[-P-] [  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200:2
[-P-] [  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.10.9:4/37
[-P-] [  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.12.3:4/37

% equery hasuse -p geolocation
 * Searching for USE flag geolocation ...
[-P-] [  ] dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.6.0:5/5.6
[-P-] [  ] dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.6.1:5/5.6
[-P-] [  ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.5.1-r1:5
[-P-] [  ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.6.0:5/5.6
[IP-] [  ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.6.1:5/5.6
[-P-] [  ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.5.5-r2:5
[-P-] [  ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-
[-P-] [  ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-
[-P-] [  ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-
[IP-] [  ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.7.0:5
[-P-] [  ] media-gfx/kphotoalbum-4.5:4
[-P-] [  ] media-gfx/kphotoalbum-4.7.1:4
Comment 2 Walter Dnes 2016-07-06 19:13:07 UTC
While we're at it, let's consolidate geolocation/geoip/geoipv2/geoloc USE flags from use.local.desc into one global USE flag...

grep ":geoi\|:geol" /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc

dev-qt/qtwebengine:geolocation - Enable physical position determination via dev-qt/qtpositioning
dev-qt/qtwebkit:geolocation - Enable physical position determination via dev-qt/qtpositioning
kde-plasma/plasma-workspace:geolocation - Enables dataengine providing location information
media-gfx/kphotoalbum:geolocation - Add support for kde-apps/marble
net-analyzer/bro:geoip - Enable support for Maxmind's GeoIP library
net-analyzer/pmacct:geoipv2 - Add support for GeoIP2 through dev-libs/libmaxminddb
net-im/empathy:geoloc - Enable geolocation support through app-misc/geoclue
net-irc/inspircd:geoip - Add geoip support for country and city lookup based on IPs
net-libs/webkit-gtk:geoloc - Enable geolocation support through app-misc/geoclue
www-apache/mod_security:geoip - Configure ModSecurity to query the GeoIP database from MaxMind, provided by dev-libs/geoip. This flag only controls the default configuration, as the GeoIP query code is part of ModSecurity's source code.
Comment 3 Johannes Huber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-07-07 06:13:53 UTC
As discussed on irc in #gentoo-desktop. Removing kde from cc. Add us back when action is required from us.

<johu> !proj gnome
<willikins> johu: ( dang, eva, expeditioneer, leio, pacho, tetromino, tranquility
<johu> bug 588168
<willikins> johu: "Duplicate USE flags geoloc and geolocation"; Gentoo Linux, Current packages; UNCO; peter:gnome
<johu> kde proj would prefer "geolocation"
<johu> what about you?
<_AxS_> geolocation i think should be preferred by all -- use flags shouldn't be <leio> NP-Hardass: Ok, was hoping to dump it to someone :D
<EvaSDK> johu: honestly not important to me, full word is ok
<johu> EvaSDK: fine
Comment 4 Mart Raudsepp gentoo-dev 2016-07-07 09:09:54 UTC
I'm not sure about the geoip stuff, especially net-analyzer/bro and such, but their maintainers should know if geolocation reflects what it does or not.
Changing it on old webkit-gtk would get lots of love from --newuse users, I hope changing it on bumps is sufficient, so keeping both for a while...
Also before changing things, we of course need to also modify USE deps at the same time and any profile enabled places. This is trickier when we keep both around to avoid rebuilds of webkit with --newuse.
Not taking any personal action on this as of yet, we have much more important things in the backlog right now.
Comment 5 Davide Pesavento (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-07-07 09:43:30 UTC
(In reply to Johannes Huber from comment #3)
> As discussed on irc in #gentoo-desktop. Removing kde from cc. Add us back
> when action is required from us.

Removing qt@ as well then, since our packages already use the preferred spelling. Thanks.
Comment 6 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2016-07-09 12:38:44 UTC
[master 5c7ac61] net-im/empathy: Rename geoloc USE flag (#588168)
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

As webkit-gtk is the only remaining one, I rename this bug report for remembering to update the name on next bumps
Comment 7 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-10-16 10:04:34 UTC
All stable ebuilds have been converted except net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 which is being removed at bug #570034. Closing then.