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Bug 57455 - opengl-sharp-0.2.0 (new eBuild)
Summary: opengl-sharp-0.2.0 (new eBuild)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: dotnet project
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-07-17 23:46 UTC by Tim Rädisch
Modified: 2007-09-11 09:15 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

csdOpenGL-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild (csdOpenGL-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild,702 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-17 23:47 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild (opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild,699 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-18 06:15 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild (opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild,696 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-18 06:26 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild (opengl-sharp-0.1.1.ebuild,714 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-18 12:28 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.1.2 (opengl-sharp-0.1.2.ebuild,696 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-27 11:52 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.1.2-r1.ebuild (opengl-sharp-0.1.2-r1.ebuild,671 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-27 21:53 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.2.0.ebuild (opengl-sharp-0.2.0.ebuild,680 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-04 02:11 UTC, Tim Rädisch
opengl-sharp-0.2.0.ebuild with nvidia option (opengl-sharp-0.2.0.ebuild,694 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-04 12:01 UTC, Richard Stellingwerff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Tim Rädisch 2004-07-17 23:46:45 UTC
csdOpenGL# is an OpenGL-binding for Mono and it comes with an Gtk#-widget. The binding is automatically generated by processing a DoxyGen-XML-representation of the GL-header files, so that all OpenGL and all GLUT functions are available.

For more information and/or screenshots look at

I choosed dev-dotnet/csdOpenGL-sharp as location inside portage.

Comment 1 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-17 23:47:51 UTC
Created attachment 35671 [details]
Comment 2 Peter Johanson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-18 05:43:39 UTC
Unless there's a dire need for it, all packages should be entirely lowercase named.

Ebuild looks mostly fine besides that, i'll try to look at it this week. If you can attach a version with the case stuff fixed, it'd be great.
Comment 3 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-18 06:15:15 UTC
Created attachment 35690 [details]

just a renaming
Comment 4 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-18 06:18:54 UTC
Renaming wasn't a big problem ;)

There was no need for the uppercases, it just looks fine; but your're right it's just baffling during typing.
Comment 5 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-18 06:26:59 UTC
Created attachment 35691 [details]

just replaced LGPGL-2.1 with GPL-2
Comment 6 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-18 12:28:18 UTC
Created attachment 35705 [details]

missing dependency media-libs/glut
Comment 7 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-27 11:52:13 UTC
Created attachment 36273 [details]
Comment 8 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-27 11:53:39 UTC
Comment on attachment 35705 [details]

because of newer version 0.1.2
Comment 9 Rainer Größlinger (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-27 12:43:29 UTC
from a quick look at the ebuild I'd suggest the following changes:

Make the SRC_URI non-hardcoded e.g. make use ${PV} or even ${P}.
Use "mirror://sourceforge/..." in SRC_URI, not a hardcoded single server (see profiles/thridparymirrors in your portage directory to see the list of mirrors used for an alias and any random SF project's ebuild to see how it works :)
Replace the MAKEOPTS thing with "emake -j1".
Use "" around KEYWORDS.
Every ebuild needs to have an IUSE variable. If it doesn't make use of USE flags, set IUSE="".

Once those changes are made, someone who is actively using mono and gtk# can probably test your package and get it into the tree then.

Thank you for submitting the ebuild and good luck with your project!
Comment 10 Tim Rädisch 2004-07-27 21:53:30 UTC
Created attachment 36301 [details]

Sorry, my fault. I used a template for the ebuild, which I've created long ago.
But I pledge betterment.
One hint: currently the 0.1.2-release isn't distributed on all SF mirrors. I
needed three startups to retrieve the file with the ebuild.
Comment 11 Tim Rädisch 2004-09-04 02:11:28 UTC
Created attachment 38881 [details]

This is the ebuild for the new version of OpenGL#! It comes with a binding for
the NVidia-Cg-Toolkit and some bug fixes.
Comment 12 Richard Stellingwerff 2004-09-04 11:57:26 UTC
I'm not sure, but shouldn't the nvidia-cg-toolkit stuff be optional? I don't think it applies to ATI users, does it?
Comment 13 Tim Rädisch 2004-09-04 12:00:52 UTC
Mmh, good hint

Although the new ATI cards also support Cg, the old ATI and NVidia cards doesn't support Cg. 

I'll fix this soon
Comment 14 Richard Stellingwerff 2004-09-04 12:01:04 UTC
Created attachment 38922 [details]
opengl-sharp-0.2.0.ebuild with nvidia option
Comment 15 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-06-23 02:42:10 UTC
There seems to be a problem with this ebuild:

mono ../generator/csdGenerator.exe cg.xml
Error Opening inputfile 'File'

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.loadTypeDefs () [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.createClass () [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator..ctor (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
make: [csdCgBase.cs] Błąd 1 (zignorowany)
mono ../generator/csdGenerator.exe cgGL.xml
Error Opening inputfile 'File'

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.loadTypeDefs () [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.createClass () [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator..ctor (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
  at csDragons.OpenGL.WrapperGenerator.Generator.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
make: [csdCgGLBase.cs] Błąd 1 (zignorowany)
ln -sf ../GL/csdGL.dll
mcs  -target:library -r:csdGL.dll csdCgBase.cs csdCgGLBase.cs AssemblyInfo.cs csdCg.cs cgType.cs cgRessource.cs cgProfile.cs cgError.cs cgEnums.cs cgGLEnum.cs -out:csdCg.dll
error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `csdGL.dll'
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
make: [csdCg.dll] Błąd 1 (zignorowany)

and so on...
Comment 16 Jurek Bartuszek (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-09-11 09:15:34 UTC
No response from the bug reporter, upstream seems to be dead for a very long time, impossible to build the package without failure. Closing