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Bug 56617 - linux-headers-2.6* are now in linux26-headers
Summary: linux-headers-2.6* are now in linux26-headers
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Travis Tilley (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-07-10 10:06 UTC by Lukasz
Modified: 2004-09-27 23:00 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Lukasz 2004-07-10 10:06:59 UTC
Why today (10-07-2004) after emerge sync I haven't got any ebuilds of linux-headers 2.6.x ? Please look at it:
root@woocash linux-headers # dir
ChangeLog                    linux-headers-2.4.21.ebuild     linux-headers-2.4.25.ebuild
files                        linux-headers-2.4.21-r1.ebuild  linux-headers-2.4.26.ebuild
linux-headers-2.0.40.ebuild  linux-headers-2.4.22.ebuild     Manifest
linux-headers-2.2.26.ebuild  linux-headers-2.4.23.ebuild     metadata.xml

There isn't any ebuilds of linux-headers 2.6 :(

When repair it ?
Comment 1 Ciaran McCreesh 2004-07-10 10:08:56 UTC
Lv, what's your metadupe bug for this? I can't find it...
Comment 2 Søren Chrestensen 2004-07-10 10:24:07 UTC
They are renamed to sys-kernel/linux26-headers 
Comment 3 Travis Tilley (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-10 17:59:51 UTC
i didnt create one, lets make this it ^_^

the 2.6 linux-headers have moved to linux26-headers. there is a linux-headers-2.6.99 ebuild to aid migration, it simply installs the latest keyworded version of linux26-headers.

the reasoning behind this change is that 2.4 kernel users probably dont want 2.6 headers installed, and having them can even break their systems in subtle ways. this has prevented a keyword from being added to the 2.6 header ebuilds, even though 2.6 has been the stable kernel for a bit now. with the ebuilds in linux26-headers, they can be keyworded appropriately without breaking things for 2.4 kernel users.

sorry for any confusion this might have caused, but i assure you it's a good thing (tm) ;)
Comment 4 Stefan de Konink 2004-07-11 17:44:59 UTC
there is still a problem in scripts/ or in glibc where the 2.4 headers generate a conflict.
Comment 5 Bruno Redondi 2004-08-11 06:08:48 UTC
I successfully bootstrapped from stage1-x86-2004.2 preceding the bootstrap with the folowing command:

for file in etc/make.profile/virtuals var/cache/edb/virtuals; do
  sed $file -e "s,/linux-headers,/linux26-headers,g" \
            -e "s,/gentoo-sources,/gentoo-dev-sources,g" > $file.N
  mv $file.N $file
Comment 6 Stephan Karacson 2004-09-19 12:55:38 UTC
Using linux26-headers instead of linux-headers solves many problems, but they have to become a dependency of gentoo-dev-sources, development-sources .... and all kernel 2.6.x ebuilds, because even the kernel-doc on does not tell you that you need new headers (e.g. for kwifimanager which is not useable with the wrong constellation)
Comment 7 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-09-27 23:00:58 UTC
everything should be transitioned by now (i know all my crazy combinations work)