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Bug 565560 - Update revision documentation to reflect 20151011 council decision
Summary: Update revision documentation to reflect 20151011 council decision
Alias: None
Product: Documentation
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Devmanual (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Devmanual Team
Keywords: PATCH
Depends on:
Blocks: 223153
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Reported: 2015-11-12 03:54 UTC by Michael Orlitzky
Modified: 2017-09-25 04:24 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

0001-general-concepts-ebuild-revisions-rewrite-most-of-th.patch (0001-general-concepts-ebuild-revisions-rewrite-most-of-th.patch,4.09 KB, patch)
2015-11-12 03:56 UTC, Michael Orlitzky
Details | Diff
0001-general-concepts-ebuild-revisions-rewrite-most-of-th.patch (0001-general-concepts-ebuild-revisions-rewrite-most-of-th.patch,4.41 KB, patch)
2016-07-17 21:18 UTC, Michael Orlitzky
Details | Diff

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Description Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2015-11-12 03:54:44 UTC
This is a continuation of bug #560356. I'm not trying to be sneaky by opening a new bug -- I just think it's hard to hold a civilized conversation on a pile of corpses.
Comment 1 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2015-11-12 03:56:21 UTC
Created attachment 416754 [details, diff]

This is not quite the patch I posted on bug #560356. It also addresses two of ulm's comments on that bug.
Comment 2 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2015-11-12 03:57:55 UTC
Forgot the council summary.

3. Runtime dependencies and dynamic dependency deprecation

The following policy was accepted by unanimous vote:
"Maintainers must not assume that dynamic dependencies will be applied 
by the package manager. When changing runtime dependencies the 
maintainer should revision the ebuild if the changes are likely to 
cause problems for end users."

The details, in particular the explicit rules proposed by rich0 on the
gentoo-devel mailing list, were referred back to the list for further
discussion and should eventually become recommendations. Further
decisions on policies may also be up to the QA team.
Comment 3 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2016-07-17 21:18:04 UTC
Created attachment 440976 [details, diff]

I've added another exception to the patch: when you're doing a package or slotmove (via profile/updates), you're allowed to edit its reverse dependencies in-place.
Comment 4 Göktürk Yüksek archtester gentoo-dev 2017-09-25 04:24:44 UTC
I believe contains all the information contained in the proposed patch. Feel free to reopen if we're missing anything.