When starting currently stable vim (app-editors/vim-7.4.769) it inserts a strange symbols in the cursor position: :dd00/0000/0000/0000[>85;95;0c I have deleted all my custom config files but bug didn't gone. There is no such trouble in current unstable (app-editors/vim-7.4.827)
I can confirm this issue on the current stable vim. It seems to be related to urxvt's color/transparency settings (see https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1542473#p1542473) and has been fixed in newer versions.
*** Bug 561090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This affects me too, but only on version 7.4.769 (app-editors/vim, app-editors/vim-core and app-editors/gvim). Versions 7.4.273 and 7.4.827 is not affected. Tested with clean new user account. String inserted is ":9999/0000/2afe/35ff[>85;95;0c".
@Michael: see Crux's link above (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1542473#p1542473): this is a bug in VIM that appears with transparent urxvt terminals and affects only versions >=7.4.757 and <7.4.775. Vim >= 7.4.775 is in portage but still masked. Unmask vim & vim-core, upgrade, and the problem goes away.
I had this same issue also. I emerge -C vim and reinstalled version app-editors/vim-7.4.769::gentoo and the issue resolved itself.
I just wanted to add...the first time I emerged it was in vnc viewer. When re-installing it, it was in a urxvt session. Again, with app-editors/vim-7.4.769::gentoo the issue no longer exists after re-installing.
I'm having other issues with this vim also. I can not type letters in insert mode without them acting like commands. Basically, vim is hosed. Same with 7.4.1089 also.
Also had this problem recently pop up. The culprit is adding an rgba background parameter in your .Xdefaults. For example I have this in my .Xdefaults: URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/d800 And when I start up vim I get this text inserted: :d800/0000/0000/0000[>85;95;0c The solution according to this thread on the Arch buglist is to upgrade vim:https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=199362 Perhaps we can stabilize a newer version of vim?
I have a machine that this is happening in, both 7.4.769 and 8.0.0005 are affected. I have found that adding a .vimrc with 'colorscheme default' for affected users causes it to go away (from the gentoo-user mailing list.)
Hi! Is it still an issue with Vim 8.0? As far as I'm concerned, I can't reproduce the error. Please check and report back. Thanks!
I had the same problem with vim around this time, and it appears to be fixed in vim-8.0.1188. FWIW, the actual fix appears to be vim-7.4.770: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/46fd4df719b1c3f3d84474c71da8b10e17601ffc
I have checked the machines I have that had this problem, and they no longer do, v8.0.0386.
I just downgraded from unstable to vim-8.0.0386 and can confirm that everything is OK with the URxvt rgba line in my .Xdefaults.
Alright. Thank you guys! Closing the bug as FIXED then. :)