Add "flake8" USE flag to the ebuild since this script can work without flake8 installation or with another code audit tool (e.x. pylama). Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 408026 [details] mccabe-0.3.1-r1 ebuild
RDEPEND=">=dev-python/pep8-1.4.3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] flake8? ( dev-python/flake8[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )" NO. This is not only not needed but it counters an inflexible rule or guide. Using the above is perfectly valid except it is countered by gentoo's own protocol in ebuild writing. While gentoo's docs are too copious for me to find it now, it states not to use IUSE flags in RDEPEND without adjusting the build. Generally this is done in src_configure, setting configure options in a makefile that effect the state of the final build. This simply doesn't apply in pythonic packages.