Created attachment 407496 [details, diff] Work with set -u and empty ROOTPATH If /etc/profile is sourced from a non-bash shell with set -u, it will die, because it expects certain bash-only parameter to exist. Please consider avoiding this, since "set -u" is the only possibility of (sort of) strict syntax checking in shell scripts. A way to avoid it is to use ${VAR-} instead of $VAR for possibly unset variables. The attached patch does this. Additionally, this patch avoids adding ":" to PATH if {ROOT,}PATH is unset or empty: Adding ":" would be equivalent to adding ":." which is a bad idea in view of security consideration.
This was accepted in commit 89f852f and is included in 2.3. However, we really can't say that the distro supports set -u in its startup files officially because of things like /etc/profile.d.