This issue should be the same on any gentoo linux install, it will not compile on linux, it should probably be masked to FreeBSD or HURD:
"Same issue with the 1.5 branch git sources, I thought I'd try and see if starting with autoreconf -f -i would fix anything but apparently not, my question is how did Redhat / CentOS manage to compile it if mig is a "mach interface generator" for which the Makefile in lib/ipc seems to be written exclusively for"
Moreover, as I pointed out a lot of distros like Debian and Redhat seem to have this figured out, so I'll take a look through here and see what I can find out:
eh, I guess its possible seeing as how the changelog seems to indicate that people have compiled this on linux before but I can't any linux ebuild/packages that provide a "mig" command so...
I just talked to somebody on IRC who apparently has compiled this before on gentoo linux, I think it might be an issue with libtool or autotools or something so I've updated the bug on github (see comments) whatever it is I'd like to get it figured out
Given the latest comments on github, I'd go here with RESOLVED:INVALID, as quite likely it's a mater of a broken ebuild from an external/private overlay.
...not to mention, that full build log should have been attached here from the very start.
Please add emerge --info and attach the build log.