Spike overlay layman -f -a spike -o https://raw.github.com/Spike-Pentesting/spike-overlay/master/overlay.xml ***** AUTO BUMPED EBULDS **** CI server https://github.com/Spike-Pentesting/App-witchcraft will pull from Gentoo Sabayon Pentoo etc, and may Test and bump ebuilds "automagicly" when possible Server: chat.freenode.net Channel: #spike-pentesting-dev about GMT -5 early mornings one can see builds pass or fail & Pasites to http://pastie.org/private/mzw8yubhu5lvt80vuew etc Spike community overlay This overlay will contain community ebuilds that would be merged in the main overlay. We need a set of rules to govern our behavior. In this document i'll try to explain how the release process is made so everyone can understand why pulls requests are better then directly pushing inside the repo (unless you know what are you doing, but that's addressed for those who have access). Automatic Builds The automatic building it's run almost everyday: the process it's tied to the commits made on the repositories, so every change it's tracked, tested and then sent to the Spike Entropy repository Build process We have two build servers, x86 and x86_64, they merges everytime the changes inside the specified overlays, test the ebuild and notify the admins about the status. When ebuild passes, it would be automatically pushed into the Entropy repository. Automatic upgrades The build servers scans the packages in the Entropy repository to see if there are upgrades for the atoms that are present in the overlay automatically: they tests the new version bumps and notify if necessary This means that if you push directly ebuilds that doesn't pass tests (that doesn't install properly) or doesn't have a Manifest file won't be pushed into the Entropy repository. IF you have repository access if you push just for testing purposes, you shouldn't push here, but if you REALLY want to do that, because you feel the ebuild it's correct, and you cannot compile on your machine (leveraging the build server power) open a new branch, like user/test-atom IF you (don't) have repository access It's prefeered in both cases that you open a pull request unless you are sure that the ebuild it's working and satisfy QA. "spike" category The spike category will contain meta-ebuilds that lists dependencies required for the distro. For example, spike/spike contains all the pentesting tools that are required inside the distribution and will request also the needed atoms for the release process (spike/spike-menu, spike/spike-version, ...). When you feel a tool should be included in the distribution, open an issue here, so would be processed/tested properly before going upstream. Additions Please feel free to add to this doc rules and policies as you see fit. Discussion can take place on irc. IRC Server: chat.freenode.net Channel: #spike-pentesting Channel: #spike-pentesting-dev dev-chat & Server Build or push : reports pasite.org go here.... layman -f -a https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sabayon-Labs/spike-community-overlay/master/overlays.xml PS Mentoring-feedback tips appreciated on my Ebuilds ~Necrose99~ I'm just a humber IT-SEC admin with some prog skills but light. the lead devs are Mudler And Skullbocks
we kinda are pushing some IT security packages any pull requests for new stuff to test or stuff not quite ready for Pentoo/Gentoo we'll kick the tires on give it a shakedown. we have been researching means of hardening systemd also in our skeleton layouts feel free to fork into Gentoo. I'm just a humber IT-SEC admin/Researcher ~~Necrose99~~
Added, should appear in a few hours.